Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Connection of the eyes and heart

Never Again-Chapter 26

by MCR667 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2012-12-29 - Updated: 2013-01-04 - 937 words

Chapter 25
Franks Pov

The last week has been hell, its my second week in the hospital, my first being awake. Gerard never leaves my side, I think he’s afraid of what my father will do to me, I’m afraid too. Gerard doesn’t even leave at night, he sleeps in the single bed with me, it’s tight but I love being that close to him, I want to be in his arms forever.

Mikey and Alicia come in the morning bringing breakfast, then Gerard excuses himself to go shower and change. Then he comes back and sits and holds my hand.

All of that would be great if it wasn’t for my father. He shows up every day around noon, drunk and high off his ass, and leaves around four in the after noon, he comes back an hour later drunker and higher than before. He leaves the hospital at six and comes back the next day. It’s the same every day, except for what he says, every day he some how comes up with more jackass things to say to me. Half of them insult the other half threats.

The worst of it all is how Gerard reacts to what my dad says, I’ve tried to tell him not to cause he’s just gonna get hurt but he wont listen to me, my father has come so close to punching Gerard so many times and it scares me, I can’t let Gerard get hurt.

It’s early Friday morning Gerard is still asleep but I’m awake, I look up and just watch Gerard. He’s so sweet, he looks exhausted, I know he barely sleeps; he worries so much about me. His eyes are gently shut, his head is leaning on mine, his arms are rapped around my body. His hair is slightly ruffled from the nights sleep, but it’s adorable.

I love him so much, I wouldn’t mind staying like this forever, just in his arms watching him sleep. It’s peaceful and it makes me happy, I lean my head against his chest again and close my eyes. I wish I could freeze this moment and stay like this forever, in this moment all I feel is pure love.

Then the door opens and it’s my doctor I slightly open my eyes but close them wishing he would just go away. Then he fake coughs I guess this is important. Gerard starts waking up, then he kisses me on the forehead and I feel him leave the bed. I open my eyes fully and sit up.

“How are you feeling Frank?” My doctor asks

“great, I haven’t had a head ache since yesterday morning”

“That’s good, Frank most of the swelling in your head has gone down, and your ribs are looking great”

“Does that mean I can go home” I ask enthusiastically, I will most certainly love living with Gerard.

“To be perfectly honest, yes you can, all physical damage left can heal on its own with the help of some pain medication”

“Doc why do I get the feeling that there is an exception to all of this”

My doctor takes a seat on the side of my bed, this can’t be good, “Frank all of your doctors are aware, to why you came here, and how this happened”

Gerard squeezes my hand and the doctor continues, “Frank we will be able to release you, but there will be mandatory therapy sessions”

Gerard squeezes my hand again, “NO Fucking way, I am not a bug I don’t need to be watched I’m fine, the only person I need to talk to is Gee”

“Frank, it’s not my choice, I can see how happy you are now, and that’s why it’s only therapy. In normal cases we would send patients like you to another hospital”

“I’m not crazy, I was just in a rough place, if I had known that Gerard still loved me I would of kept try but I didn’t. And to be completely honest, if he didn’t I would be dead right now in spite of all your special care”

“Frank, that’s not helping your cauls. You will be going to therapy, you can pay for one at this hospital or we can get in touch with your school, and they will supply it for free.”

“Neither” I say

“We don’t have that much money, so could you please contact the school” Gerard says

The doctor leaves, I look to Gerard with a shocked face. “I’m sorry Frank but I want you to come home and they won’t let you leave if you don’t’”


“Yea Frankie” he looks to my face with curiosity

“Do you think I’m crazy?” I look down I can’t believe I just asked that but I need to know.

He grabs both my hands and says, “No I don’t think your crazy, I think you were depressed. Empathies on the past tense. I think your fine now. But I can’t loose you Frank, I love you so much, and I can’t ever let you feel that way again so if this therapist helps you then I want you to go” he pauses and forces me to look at him, “Frankie will you promise me that you will go?”

I’m looking directly in his eyes and say, “I will, for you”

“No more lies?” he asks me

“No more lies. Never again”
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