Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cruise Control
chapter 15
2 reviewsthis is a short chapter,just cuz i am really stuck with this writers block at the moment.
Cruise Control
(#) FrankIsMySexGod 2013-01-03
YOU CAN'T JUST THROW SOMEONE OFF A BOAT FRANK!!! Oh my god!!! Haha. This chapter was amazing though. I love Frank so much! Tiara is a bitch in this though. I love how Frank saved the day, but don't just throw someone off a boat! That's basically murder!!! Haha. Update soon! :D xxAuthor's response
Yeah I know but she needed it!
Next chapter shall be really fun though cuz it's my 14th birthday in this story!
Oh,damn I spoilt it!Cruise Control
(#) xxMikeyxx 2013-01-03
That was kinda extreme...
Throwing her off the boat?!
I'm gonna have a serious talk with FrankieAuthor's response
she'llbe back in the next chapter though!!
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