Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Well, it rains and it pours


by evil 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-01-04 - Updated: 2013-01-04 - 1090 words


Silence followed. That silence was relief to Gerard’s ears. His heart seemed to unclenched a little and his whole body began to relax. His glazed-over eyes rolled slightly further back into his closed eyelids. The silence made him feel as though he was weightless and just floating around somewhere. That somewhere being a light cloud, which cushioned his body, protecting him from falling back into the pain and hurt of the ground.


That was the only possibility Gerard’s mind could come across. He didn’t want to be dead, he wanted to be with Mikey. Sure there lives weren’t great, but they had each other and both boys were desperately clinging on to the fact that, that was enough for them. They didn’t need anything else; only each other. But he couldn’t dismiss the truth, that he was also okay with the idea of being in heaven- of being dead. Gerard had decided that the cloud he was laying on reminded him of Mikey. The cloud made him feel safe and happy, the same way his brother could. He wanted the feeling to last forever but as soon as it came it left again.


Pain. Agonizing pain erupted in his body. The pain built up over his back and crept up his spine. The pain clawed and scratched him with it’s long nails of unbearable suffering. He knew that his feeling of calm had only lasted a second but he needed it to return, he couldn’t cope with the hands of pain. His head was on fire, burning through his brain. The fire seemed to make sure that every single, miniscule part of his head received the full-on blaze of it’s wrath.


Did he hear voices?… Yes, he was certain he heard voices.

“Gee,” a voice said.

“Gee,” it repeated.

He could make out some sort of a word they were saying, it sounded like his name. Then he had a light bulb moment. Mikey.


Mikey was currently sitting at his brothers bedside. The bright hospital room was unnerving to his eyes and the light reflecting off the white-washed walls was giving him a migraine. If the walls were not enough to onset the headache, the memory fingering through his hair was.

He barely remembered the ambulances arriving, let alone who called them.
Every time he blinked he could see Gerard laying on the ground. He could see a short man with a floppy mohawk climbing out of a car- No. He wouldn’t even give that killing machine the satisfaction of being called a car. That ‘thing’ had hurt Gerard… and the other man as well.

As hard as Mikey tried he could not being angry at the man. He wanted to be, he wanted to feel so angry that he just punched him in the face, but he couldn’t. He remembered the look of devastation and guilt on that man’s face when he realised what had happened. Mikey was pretty sure that the man was in the hospital as well, as far as he knew it was only minor injuries for the man. At least the man was lucky. Not like Gerard. He looked over at Gerard’s figure on the bed. His back was covered in a white, blood stared gauze. Tubes wired in all over him doing God knows what. The most off putting thing was how pale he was. Gerard had always been pale but this time not a drop of colour lay on his skin.

Mikey was cut off from his brooding as a person entered the room. He was tall and had the largest fluffy afro Mikey had ever seen.

“Umm… hi,” the guy fidgeted nervously.

“Hello,” Mikey replied emotionlessly. “What do you want?”

“My friend, Frankie,” He paused unsure of how to carry on. “He was the one who… um, hit your friend.”
Mikey’s eyes widened comically. He stayed quiet for a second thinking of a good way to say to this guy that he really wanted this ‘Frankie’ to feel all the pain and guilt travelling through him now. But Mikey wasn’t that type of person, he simply couldn’t say this to the guy who was obviously just as worried about his friend as he was his brother.

“Is he okay?” Mikey found himself saying.

“Yes, well, he’s hurt but it’s mostly just bruising and cuts. The worst cut was stitched up on the back of his head.”

“Good, I’m glad he’s okay,” and truthfully Mikey was glad that Frankie was okay.

“I can take him home with me after he’s been checked over again, most likely tomorrow. I asked the doctor where the other victim was and he sent me here, I just wanted to make sure they were okay but..” He finished off looking over to Gerard who was obviously not okay.

“The doctor said he will survive but it’s not going to be an easy battle for him, his leg’s messed up and he hit his head-” Mikey couldn’t finish talking, the thick salty tears dripping down his face prevented his from saying anything that didn’t sound like a whimper. The other’s heart broke at the sight of the skinny, mousy haired angel weeping. Without thinking about his actions he wrapped his arms around Mikey and held him tight against his chest. Mikey buried his head in the strangers neck feeling safer than he had in a long time.

Gerard’s heart monitor sped up and Mikey somehow knew that his big brother was in pain. He didn’t know how to help him so he just called his name.

“Gee,” Mikey whimpered. Another sob echoed before he once again muttered out “Gee.”

As quick as it sped up, it went back to the normal beat.

“Is his name Gee?” The other asked.

“Gerard,” Mikey whispered.

“You should probably head home you look exhausted.”

Mikey laughed softly, “home,” he repeated. “Haven’t had one of those for a while.”

“Then you can come back to mine,” the man said.

They were strangers, the didn’t know each others names or anything about each other. Either one of theme could be a axe murderer for all the other knew but Mikey felt self with him and with all thoughts banished from him head he replied saying, “okay.”

“I’m Ray,” the man said.

“Mikey,” he said, looking up into Ray’s eyes.
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