Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Questions :3


by Chaos_the_Zombie 1 review

There may, or may not, be a shitload of swearing involved . . .

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-01-04 - Updated: 2013-01-05 - 1046 words

Hey there dudes and/or dudettes! Here are the answers for all the question left to me so far! Just so you know, I’m still taking questions, so just leave them here and I’ll answer them soon! :)

FrankIsMySexGod: Just so you know, you are one of my favourite authors on Ficwad; continue . . .
1. Who's your favourite member of MCR? Huh, that’s a tuff one . . . It kind of goes in and out with me but I guess at the moment its either Ray or Mikey
2. If you were god for a day, what would you do? I’d rock up, fuck shit up and leave 
3. Favourite colour? Crimson red, the colour for blood . . .
5. Favourite song? Uhhhhh at the moment I’m pretty into “Haha, you’re Dead!” by Green Day or Zetsubou Billy by Maximum the Hormone
6. Who did you have a crush on when you were younger? Zak Baker, he was my best friend and my first crush
7. Favourite character in your favour show? Marceline the Vampire queen
8. Favourite MCR wife? Lyn-z, because she’s in MSI and she’s like Best friends with Kat Von D (My female idol)
9. Favourite meal of the day? Dinner I spose, I don’t usually eat breakfast and rarely eat lunch
10. What is your favourite object? Probably my Ipod or my computer . . .
11. Earliest memory? Okay: My sister and I were running down this heaps long pathway in matching dresses (-_-) when I was about 4 and she was like 2; anyways we were running towards my nan so we could show her our new dresses and I saw my dad making out with some chick behind the house. . . Ah, the joys of divorce
12. Favourite thing about yourself? My eyes and my personality I guess
13. Favourite animal? VAMPIRE BATS AND NARWHALS!!!
14. Do you like kids? Meh, I guess so
15. Favourite fanfic? right now its Cigarettes and Sass :D

Poppana: Although your first question was weird, I powered through; here you go
1. What color is your favorite underwear? Weird question . . . Black

2. If you could choose, what superpower would you have and what would be the first thing you'd do with it? I would be able to like levitate and all that jazz (like the séance from the Umbrella Academy). The first thing I’d do is sleep upside down like a bat!

3. You suddenly find yourself abandoned in the middle of a strange city, with no money, no phone, and no memory of how you got there. How would you survive? I’d cry, then look around for signs of where I was, then create a strategy to get home.

4. Favorite pizza toppings? I LOOOOOOOOVE Margarita pizza, so herbs and tomato

5. Name one object you couldn't live without (excluding the obvious necessary stuff like air, food, water, so don't get smart with me, young lady). Just because you said not to get smart with you, I’m going to say internal organs

5. One thing you like about yourself? Like I said before, eyes and personality.

Cookie_monster: Here you are!
1. Do you have any siblings? Yes (unfortunately)
2. When was the last time you showered? This morning
3. Who's your best friend? Hmmm, I have like 4; Megan, Blake, Lizzy and Ty
4. What do you think is the best story/one-shot you've written? I wrote a story last year called “Art is our Weapon” for English class and got an A+, so that one. . . Also, I like it cos it’s a frerard fanfic and the teacher didn’t even know :3
5. What do you think is the best story/one-shot you've read? Lights, Camera, action is pretty great, but Cigarettes and Sass is my absolute favourite.
6. Favourite author? KAT VON D! Or James Patterson
7. What bands have you seen live? The Wiggles (you jealous?) but I’m going to see Green Day for my birthday.
8. Favourite horror movie? Dawn of the dead or Saw 3
9. Do you have any pets? Yup, two dogs and a cat
10. Who do you think is the prettiest female singer? Hmmmmm, I don’t know; the chick from Paramore I guess
11. Who do you think is the best looking male singer? Oh god, are you trying to kill me? Gerard probably, or Brendon Urie
12. What's your Tumblr URL if you have one? I have one, but I’ve only used it once, so I don’t remember it
13. Has anyone famous ever replied to you on Twitter? YES! DeadMAU5 and Kat Von D both replied, favourite and retweeted my tweet about wanting to be just like Kat :3
14. Have you ever met anyone famous? Oh! There was this time I was coming home from LA on an international flight and this guy (I can’t, for the life of me, remember his name) was on the same flight as me. He’s this gay dude (like, homosexual) dude that owns his own décor show. He sat in front of me and we walked through the airport talking about how cool it is in Australia
15. Do you like cookies? Pfft, YES!

LaurentheHuman: Here are my answers for your questions 
1: Who's your favourite poet? I don’t have one, does that make me a bad person?
2: Do you like Harry Potter? YESH! I cried when Dobby died ;-;
3: Favourite scent? Vanilla or pineapple
4: Favourite food? Buttered Chicken and rice.
5: Favourite MyChem song? That’s just evil, I can’t just pick one! I guess the Desert song or Ambulance.
6: Favourite song of the moment? “Haha, you’re dead!” by Green Day
7: FAVOURITE SONG OF ALL. TIME. I’m not sure . . .
8: What colour are your shoes? I’m not wearing any o.O but most of them are black
9: Do you like rollercoasters? HELL TO THE YES!
10: Pancakes or waffles? Waffles FTW!
!!: Favourite anime show? Wow, uh either Highschool of the Dead, Naruto or Death Note
12: Favourite youtuber? OMFGitsjackanddean or Tomska
13: Cats or dogs? PINEAPPLES!
14: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? New Jersey (Random fact! Next year, I’m going to New York but, even though Its just across the river, my mother won’t take me to New Jersey)
15: Favourite season? Even though I was born in the summer, I love winter.
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