Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical West Side Story

Chapter Three

by HannahIero 1 review

After the dance, Gerard visits Frank, and they sing a little song. SO MUCH FLUFF!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-01-06 - Updated: 2013-01-06 - 817 words

Back at the dance, things were escalating quickly. The two opposing gangs were quick to turn on each other, using Frank as an excuse to start what they had all been itching to begin.
Ray advanced on Gerard with an angry, wild glint in his eyes, and Riff stepped quickly in front of Gerard, returning the look.
"I don't want you." Ray said, trying to push him aside and failing; he just jumped right back in the way.
"I want you though. For a war council- Jets and Sharks."
"The pleasure is all mine." Ray replied darkly.
"Let's go outside."
"I would not leave the ladies and my boyfriend here alone with your kind around. We will meet you in half an hour."
"Doc's drugstore?" Riff suggested, and Ray nodded. "And no jazz before then." Riff added.
"I understand the rules."
"Frank, Frank..." Gerard sang quietly, standing in the dark alleyway outside her bedroom window, staring up at the balcony.
Suddenly, a small, 5'4" body was climbing out of the window and onto the balcony. Frank, in his nightgown, emerged from his bedroom and stood on the balcony, smiling. "Shhh!" He said, putting a finger over his lips.
"Come down!"
"Frank..." Gerard whined.
"Please. If Ray-"
"He's at the dance. Come down."
"He will soon bring Pete home."
"Just for a minute."
Frank smiled dreamily and leaned over the balcony. "A minute is not enough."
"For an hour, then." Gerard replied, smiling back and leaning against the ladder that led up to Frank's balcony.
Frank looked highly tempted for a moment, then shook himself. "I cannot."
"Then I'm coming up." And Gerard began climbing up the ladder until he was standing elatedly next to Frank.
"Frank!" A woman's voice called from the apartment.
"Momentito, Mama!" Frank called nervously, looking up at Gerard.
"Oh, Frank...." Gerard whispered.
"Cállate!" Frank whispered harshly, reaching a hand out to keep him from coming closer. Gerard grabbed that hand and grinned at him playfully.
"It is dangerous." Frank said, shrugging sadly.
"I'm not 'one of them'."
"You are, but to me, you are not. Just as I am one of them-"
"To me, you are all the beautiful-"
Frank reached his other hand up to cover Gerard's mouth.
"Frankie!" A man's voice called from the apartment.
"Si, ya vengo, Papa." Frank replied, turning away from Gerard for just a moment.
"Frankie?" Gerard giggled.
"His pet name for me." Frank explained, blushing.
"I like him. He will like me."
"No. He is like Ray- afraid." Frank laughed suddenly. "Imagine being afraid of you!"
"You see?" Gerard asked, smiling.
"I see you." Frank sighed, caressing Gerard's cheek.
"Oh Frank, see only me."
Suddenly, Frank looked at him and started to sing. "Only you, you're the only thing I'll see, forever
In my eyes, in my words, and in everything I do, nothing else but you, ever..."
Gerard caught on and sang back to him.
"And there's nothing for me but Frank,
Every sight that I see is Frank..."
"Gerard, Gerard..."
"Always you, every thought I'll ever know, everywhere I go, you'll be-"
"All the world is only you and me!
Tonight, tonight
It all began tonight
I saw you, and the world went away!
Tonight, tonight
There's only you tonight
What you are, what you do, what you say!"
"Today all day I had the feeling
A miracle would happen
I know now I was right!"
"For here you are, and what was just a world is a star, tonight!"
The two started to sing quietly in unison.
"Tonight, tonight
The world is full of light
With suns and moons all over the place
Tonight, tonight
The world is wild and bright
Going mad, shooting sparks into space!
Today, the world was just an address
A place for me to live in
No better than alright
But here you are, and what was just a world is a star, tonight!"
Suddenly, Frank's father called him again.
"I can't stay, go quickly." Frank said sadly, turning away from Gerard.
"I'm not afraid." Gerard replied, stroking Frank's hair.
"They are strict with me, please." He said.
Gerard turned Frank back around so they were facing each other, held him against his chest, and kissed him. "Good night."
"Buenos noches."
"I love you." Gerard said, before starting to climb down the ladder.
"Yes, yes, hurry." Frank said. "Wait! When will I see you?"
"I work at the bridal shop. Come there."
"At sundown."
"Yes. Good night."
"Good night." Gerard replied, before starting off.
"Come to the back door."
"Te adoro, Gerard."
"Te adoro, Frank."
The two of them sang to each other quietly again.
"Good night, good night
Sleep well, and when you dream, dream of me
Frank went back inside and fell asleep. And when he slept, he in fact did dream of Gerard.
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