Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Romance kink meme

My Chemical Romance kink meme

by MCRkinkmeme 0 reviews

Is there a fic that you're itching to read, but don't want to write? Well, the kink meme is here to help!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-06 - Updated: 2013-01-06 - 591 words

Hello there!
Welcome to the My Chemical Romance kink meme. We hope that you'll enjoy using it. However, before you jump in and start participating, there's some things you should know first.

Q: What is the kink meme?

A: The kink meme is a way for you to request fanfictions. For example, say you wanted to read a story about the band as teenagers, but you don't have the time/energy to write it, don't think you can keep everyone in character, etc. So, just go to the kink meme, request your story, and with any luck, someone will fill your request!

Q: How do I request a fanfiction?

A: Once you're at the chapter index of the kink meme, find the current request chapter. It will be called 'Requests Part (insert number here)'. Then, read through the post. Does it say anything about being in a request freeze? If the answer is no, then you're in luck. Write a review describing what kind of story you're looking for. (There is an example of how the requests should coming up.) However, if the answer is yes, then I hate to break it to you, but you can't post your request yet. Request freezes insure that we don't get flooded with requests. To make the time during a freeze go faster, why not try filling somebody else's request?

Q: How do I fill a request?

A: Obviously, the first step is to write the fill. Once you've done that, post it to whatever site you're using. (Ficwad is preferred, but anywhere you can post your writing will do.) If you are going to use ficwad, you can either post the fill under your own account or the anonymous account for fillers. (The username and password are listed under the 'How do I request/fill anonymously?' section.) Then, find the most recent fill chapter, which will be called 'Fills Part (insert number here)'. Leave a review on the chapter with the prompt (AKA request), what request chapter it's from, and a link to the story. And that's it! One of the mods will take care of getting the story to the requester.

Q: How often does the kink meme go into request freezes?

A: The kink meme will go into a request freeze after every thirty-five requests, and it will come out of a request freeze after twenty fills.

Q: If someone else has already filled a request, can I still write my own fill anyway?

A: Absolutely! Just follow the same procedure that you would for a request that hasn't been filled.

Q: Is there anything I'm not allowed to request?

A: Nope. Smut, fluff, slash, het, oneshots, chaptered fics, anything goes.

Q: How do I request/fill anonymously?

A: For requests ONLY-
Username: requester
Password: gerard

For fills ONLY-
Username: filler
Password: frank

Q: Who runs this thing, anyway?

A: The My Chemical Romance kink meme has two mods; Astrid (lunette) and Natalia (mynerdyromance).

Q: Where can we go if we have a question about the kink meme?

A: Just send an email to , and one of us will answer your question as soon as possible.

So, now that you're aware of the rules, you're ready to use the kink meme. If you're in a reading mood, go on and request something at the request page. Or, if you'd rather write, go and look through the requests; surely you'll find something that catches your eye.

The My Chemical Romance kink meme staff

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