Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Drugs Make Us Numb; They Don't Keep Us Sane

27- Home

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX

Gerard comes home.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-01-09 - Updated: 2013-01-09 - 1274 words - Complete

(Gerard’s POV)

Thunder sounded loudly in the sky as I drove back from Avan’s burial spot. I was set to head back to Rian when a girl walking along the road caught my attention. It was yet another easy mark. What was up with tonight? The stars were aligned in my favor evidently, but two kills in one night? It was sloppy. That wasn’t me.

I slowed down.

The girl looked up but I could barely make her out as rain heavily thudded on to my windshield. As I opened my door, after sliding to an easy stop, water rushed to meet me. “Hey! You need a ride?” I called out, voice drowned out by the roar of mother nature.

The girl yelled something just as lightning pierced the air. Within seconds she was getting in the passenger side and I was buckling back in. “Where ya headed?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Nowhere actually. I kind of had a bad night.”

“I know a place we could hang out if you want.” I offered, wondering just how creepy I sounded. It was a wonder more girls didn’t just turn me down. Then they would still be alive.

“Sure.” The girl hesitantly answered. “I’m Alysha.”

“Gerard.” I responded, smiling.

Neither of us said anything further as I sped down the road. I noticed that she jumped whenever lightning lit up the sky, and the loud sound of thunder followed.

Too easy.

I had turned, and was heading towards the place I’d left Avan’s body. It was sloppy, very sloppy. I’d already cleaned out my car at the burial site however, and didn’t need to do it again. Though I still needed to do a deep clean. That could be done at home. I didn’t need blood in my car, and I was in need of something bloody since Avan’s death had deprived me of that.

The terror in her eyes had made up for it.

Yes, it had.


“This is where you hang out?” Alysha asked, as she walked around the small opening. It was just inside the forest. The perfectly placed branches helped the rain from drenching us.

I had my backpack slung over my shoulder- as a plan began formulating. It wasn’t much but it would be bloody.

“It’s beautiful out here.” I called.

Alysha jumped as the sky brightened. “I guess.” She answered. “So, what’s in the backpack?”

“Do you really want to know?” I asked, smiling widely.

She hesitated and I knew she knew something was wrong. This wasn’t quite right. It had taken long enough. “Yes.” She tried to sound brave. It didn’t work.

I unzipped the bag and threw it in front of her feet. She gazed down, eyes widening slightly as she took in the sight of my tools.

She turned to run but instead slipped in the mud.

I think she understood now.


(Mikey’s POV)

Rian hadn’t said much.

She was sitting on the crappy bed that was set up in the middle of the cage. I couldn’t help but feel at fault. Why did Gerard have to be such a damn creep? I thought Rian was a good thing, now it was turning in to just another bad thing. Could they be parents? Not if she was locked in a cage during her pregnancy. She’d lose her mind. The FBI would get involved. We would go to prison. I would become someone’s bitch. I’d never see the light of day, or another female ever again.

That was not a bright future.

“Are you hungry?” Given the circumstances it seemed like a stupid question but I wanted to make her as comfortable as possible. I could just let her go but I wasn’t completely giving up on Gerard just yet. There could still be hope.

“No.” Rian responded. Her voice was flat. She didn’t even move. All of her pep was gone. It was sad to see, after seeing the real Rian. It wasn’t natural at all.

“Please eat.” I wasn’t opposed to begging.

“I don’t want to.” Rian’s tone softened. “I’m sorry Mikey but I’m just not very hungry. I don’t think I could eat right now.”

“You’re going to get sick if you don’t eat.” I was pressuring her but I was a little nervous. Food was good, and necessary. I needed to feed her since I wasn’t doing anything else for her. I was fucking useless, and unhelpful.

“Fine.” Rian caved.

“Fine, so you’ll eat?” I stood up quickly, itching to leave the room. None of this was right. I hated that I was a part of it.

“Yes.” Rian replied. Her voice was so soft. I wouldn’t have heard her reply had I not been listening for it.

“Good, great, wonderful.” The words tumbled out stupidly and my legs were carrying me from the room before I even thought of asking her what she wanted. It would probably be a waste anyway. I had the feeling that she was only eating to please me. She didn’t want to eat. I wanted her to eat. I wanted out of the room, out of this house, and out of this situation.

I wanted a normal brother, with normal problems.

The stairs creaked under my weight and I found that once the door shut behind me I felt free from my own torturous thoughts. I didn’t want to be a part of this, and somehow when the door shut I wasn’t. I didn’t think, didn’t question it. I had one goal, and that was to make a freakin’ sandwich.


(Gerard’s POV)

I turned the water off and remained standing at the kitchen sink as I heard footsteps. Mikey was coming upstairs. I didn’t particularly care to talk to him. I was sore, and tired, and I just wanted to hold Rian. I needed her but going downstairs was a bad idea. She was angry, and rightfully so. What could I say to her now? Nothing could make this better. Anything I said would just make things worse.

The door opened.

I didn’t face Mikey and for a brief wonderful second there was silence. Then Mikey broke it. “You’re back.” It was a simple statement, but it sounded heavy.

“I am.” I responded, placing the rag I’d been drying my hands on back down on to the counter. I turned to face a very tense Mikey.

“Great.” Mikey let go of a large sigh and seemed to relax. “It’ll be so much better after you go down and talk to her. Can you wait a few seconds? I’ll send you downstairs with a sandwich for her. She needs to eat.”

I knew he would hate me for this but… “I’m not ready to talk to her yet.”

“What do you mean you’re not ready to talk to her? You don’t have to be ready for anything. You did this. She deserves your time, at the very least.” Mikey snapped. I deserved his hateful words. I didn’t blame the way he clenched his fists, nor the deep breath he took.


(I kind of hate myself right here. Super stupid cliffhanger, I know. It’ll resume with them arguing/fight/talking-whatever you wanna call it. I really need to go to sleep though, because I have work tomorrow/tonight. So, my apologies for the weird ending… Enjoy!)
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