Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Let Me Be The One To Save You (Rikey)

From bad to worse

by MCRToTheDeath 0 reviews

Things will suddenly change for Mikey.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-01-13 - Updated: 2013-01-13 - 226 words

"Mikey? You in there?"
Gerard knocks on my door again.
"Come in."
Gerard walks in. He sits down on the bed next to me.
"What's wrong?"
He looks at me like he knows I'm lying.
"There's something wrong. I can tell!"
"There isn't!" I almost yell.
"I can tell! Just tell me!"
I sigh and look at the floor.
"I-I'm gay." Gerard says nothing. I put my head in my hands.
"There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.£ He puts his arm around me as tears begin to fall.
£Just keep it quiet around Mum and Dad. I have a feeling they won't be so accepting." I nod. Gerard gets up and leaves.

About half an hour later, I'm called downstairs. I'm greeted by two furious parents.
"Is there anything you'd like to tell us?" My Dad says sternly. I shake my head. He suddenly lunges at me, pinning me up against the wall.
"ARE YOU SURE? DO YOU THINK WE COULDN'T HEAR YOU? TALKING TO YOUR BROTHER ABOUT HOW YOU'RE A PATHETIC FAG?" he yelled at me. I look at Mum. She just shakes her head. I'm shoved into my room and locked in. I find a razor and start cutting.

It's all too much. It's 5:30 am on a Saaturday. I open my window and climb out. I'm going to end it all.
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