Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hikikomori


by farfromhere 0 reviews

Time to wake up

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-16 - Updated: 2013-01-18 - 246 words

My entire body was in shambles, I could feel myself uncontrollably pulsing and twitching. I was restless yet completely weak. I already attempted to open my eyes but it was too bright, I had to keep them closed. I didn't even want to know where I was. Most likely some sort of hospital.
I failed
I heard voices outside before any tears could slide down my face and figured I better look as healthy as I could in order to get out of here. I forced my eyes open and adjusted to the bright lights of the hospital room I was in. My head ached and my body still felt completely foreign, I sat up any how and forced an alert expression even though my face was being tugged into a sluggish grimace.
A middle aged woman with her hair pinned back opened up the door with a concerned expression on her face, I had no reason to doubt her intentions but I already knew I didn't like her. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't deserve her pity and the words she was about to speak to me was just going to be a waste of her own breath.
I sighed and looked her directly in her strikingly green eyes, "Please, just let me go home." I croaked. She tilted her head and looked at my closely, "Dear, are you sure about this? You do know I have to report this to suicide watch?"
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