Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Keep Running

Keep Running-Chapter 5

by MCR-99 2 reviews

The birth of my baby,omg..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2013-01-17 - Updated: 2013-01-17 - 672 words - Complete

A/N:So I just got in from school.It's schedualed for snow tommorow OMFG!
Song of the minute:Bring me to life by Evanescence.
R&R this story guys please!!

Keep Running-Chapter 5

(9 months into the pregnancy-due date)

I dreamt well that night.
I dreamt of the day that the killjoys had found me for the first time.

I was 13 years old when the radiation had hit.
We'd had practices in school,and we had to create our own characters for when we saved others.
Killjoys,they were called.
It was during the night.
I knew how to escape,I did escape.
My mother and father never did.
I had spent 3 months training with my gear that my dad had left for me.
I was lucky when the killjoys had taken me in at 14.
At 15,I'd fallen for Mikey,or Kobra.
Then,before my 19th birthday,Korse had got me.
He wiped my memory of the killjoys,but I never got Kobra from my mind.
I knew I'd find him again,and I did.

My dream was interuppted by liquid escaping from me and I knew what that mean't.
"Mikey?!"I nearly scream,looking around the room for him,frantically.
He wasn't there.
"Danger!"I scream,and she runs quickly into the room.
She looked at the bedsheets.
"I'll go call Dr.D!"She said before dashing out of the room.
I heard her knocking on Destroyah and Radio's door and saying something.
Then,the other girls ran into the room.
They helped me get out of my pyjama bottoms and underwear and lift up my legs.
"Where's Mikey?!"I asked.
"He and the other boys have gone out to get some food from the outskirts of Battery City.He'll be back soon.Danger,call the guys!"Destroyah shouted.
"Okay!"I heard Danger shout back.

"Ow!"I screamed in pain as I pushed again.
"You're doing well,Syanide,just another push..Good girl!"Dr.D encouraged as I shoved again.
"Where is he?Where's Mikey?!"I shout.
"He's still..Oh wait!Here he is!"Radio said from her position at the door.
Seconds later,Mikey entered the room and held my hand.
"Doc,how we doing?"He asked.
"Well enough,Mikey.Just a few more pushes and we'll be done."He smiled.
"But it hurts!"I moan as I push again.
"Ok,I'll give you a shot to ease the pain.."He said,getting out the needle.
That needle.
The scream-sucker.
I felt the sharp insision in my skin and passed out.

I heard the peircing cry of a baby.
My baby.
Our baby.
"Sadie,she's here.Our little girl."I heard Mikey say.
I opened my eyes groggily to see Mikey standing there with our bundle of joy.
"Baby.."I breathed.
"Do you wanna hold her?"He whispered,passing her to me.
I took her into my arms and she opened her eyes and smiled.
"She's so beautiful.What's her name?"Dr.D asked as he put away his things.
"How about Taylor?"I asked,looking up at Mikey.
"Taylor."He smiled,agreeing.
"Wonderful name."Dr.D smiled before heading out the door.
Then everyone came in.
"How was it?"Poison asked.
"Didn't you hear my screams,Gee?"I replied.
"Oh.Painful then?"He asked.
"Ya think!"I replied back at him.
"Congrats,guys!"Ghoul and Danger congratulated,hugging me carefully.
"Thanks!"I beamed back.
Grim just stood there,staring at Taylor.
"Kota?What's wrong?"Atomic asked through sign language,since Kota was deaf.
"Baby.Something's gonna happen to her."He said,scared.
"What do you mean,Kota?"I asked,and Atomic translated for me.
"She'll be taken at the age of three,by the draculoids.And their leader."He said,with no expression on his face.
"I killed their leader,Kota!"I say,and Atomic translated my statement.
"Their new leader.Korse's son."He said before leaving the room.
"New leader?!"I say before crying.

R&R guys,I'll update soon,ok?
I promise!

Sadie xoxo
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