Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Business Meeting

Chapter Four

by paracelsus 5 reviews

Dudley gets a job.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Dudley, Fred, George, Petunia Dursley, Vernon Dursley - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-28 - Updated: 2006-07-28 - 490 words

Buying a muggle business was more trouble than Fred and George had realized. First, there was
the problem of staffing. Wizards did not want to work in a muggle area where they could not use
magic. If they hired just any muggle, they could not use magic themselves without violating the
International Statute of Secrecy (1692). They could hire a squib as a go between, but squibs were
rare. Finally, they found an exception in the law which permitted them to hire a muggle who had lived
in the same household as a witch or wizard.

They sent an owl to Hogwarts asking for the names and addresses of muggle-born class mates from
the Greater London Area. Surely someone had a family member who needed a job. Professor
McGonagall sent back a list of names but refused to give them addresses. "I wish you every success,"
she explained kindly, "but the information you are requesting is too sensitive. You Know Who will
be targeting relatives of muggle born witches and wizards and we cannot afford to take any risks."

"Well, thank you for nothing," Fred said as he scanned the list. "There are hundreds of Thomases
in the telephone directory. We can't call every one of them and as "Excuse me, do you have any
wizards in your family."

They closed the shop and went to a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. Mrs. Figg, Harry's squib
neighbour, was there. She told them about the Dursley's troubles.

"Poor Petunia is just beside herself, " she said. "Just the other day two awful young men came to the
house looking for Dudley. She's begging Vernon to take her away."

The twins looked at each other and smiled. "So Ickle Duddykins needs a job?" they asked in unison.

Dudley walked slowly down the street. He had no where to go. His friend Piers was still away at
boarding school. Malcolm and Gordon went to Stonewall, the local comprehensive where Harry
would have gone, but Dudley had learned to give Stonewall a wide berth. It was dangerous to be
outside, but he could not stand to stay in the house under his father's disapproving glare.

The twins arrived at number four Privet Drive with Mr. Prewett while Dudley was out. They
explained what they wanted to Vernon and Petunia. Only a few days ago, their proposal, their very
presence in his house, would have made Vernon turn purple with mindless rage. Now, he merely
listened with ashen face resignation.

Dudley returned to the house, winded. He had run for two blocks because he saw a strange man get
out of a car. When he saw Fred and George, his heart nearly stopped. His mother calmed him down
and he listened to their proposal. He accepted immediately. He hated the thought of working for
freaks, but he needed to get away. Within a few days, he had moved into a small flat above the shop.
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