Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions


by mynerdyromance 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-19 - Updated: 2013-01-20 - 157 words

Hello again!

First off, here's some shameless self-promotion.
The story (which is called When the Beating of Your Heart Echoes the Beating of the Drums) is now up, and can be found here:

And second, results!
I had a really hard time picking someone for the part of Marius, but I've finally decided, and the part goes to FrankieXIero.

Also, notes.
Don't worry, you still have time to submit the OC you were making up for Grantaire. You're in no rush at all.

Everyone else-
I still need characters to be the Thenardiers. I know, they're not parts that most people would be dying to have, but I do need them. So, it would be much appreciated if somebody would be willing to whip up a couple of OCs. Otherwise, I'll just have to make them up myself, meaning that they'll probably suck.

But anyway, thank you to everyone who auditioned!
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