Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Keep Your Head Up Girly, I'm Here To Help

Sarah Smiles

by kirziwirzi98 0 reviews

Morning Coffee.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-20 - Updated: 2013-01-20 - 309 words


Sarah's P.O.V






"Sarah, your alarms going off."


I half opened my eyes to see Gerard standing over me with acup in his hand.

"I made you some coffee."

"Oh, thanks."

I smiled. No one has ever been this nice to me before.

"Thanks for last night."

I was shocked when Gerard suggested I could stay here.

"There's no need to thank me Sarah."

"Yes there is, you only knew me a few hours and you offered to let me stay here."

"That's what friends do, they help one another."

Gerard smiled at me. His expression was soft and kind. Friend. He considers me a friend. I smiled at the thought.

"So, you wanna go to school or bunk off?"

"Do you know how much of a stupid question that is Gerard?"

"I guessed that. So, what do you wanna do today?"

I thought. I guess we could go to the park or something.

"How about the park?"

I asked unsure of what he would say.

"Sure, but only if I get to push you on the swings."

Gerard was smiling.

"That depends, how high can you push someone?"

We were both smiling now.

"I'll show you when we get there, deal?"

He held out his hand like it was a business agreement and his smile grew even wider.


I said and shook his hand gently. It was the first time I'd touched his skin. It was so soft and warm.

"Okay so, do you wanna go back to yours and get some clothes or something?"

Shit. I'd completely forgotten about going home. Sarah's gonna kill me.

"Emm... No, the ones I had on yesterday will be fine. Thanks anyway."

"Fair enough, I'll go get changed."

He walked towards the stairs to the basement and waved at me to follow him.

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