Categories > Anime/Manga > Gravitation > Euphoria V
Euphoria V
1 reviewThe gang's all back for one last horah. It's time to grow up and move on for this final semester. Relationships will be tried and deaths will follow. This is all part of adulthood. I don't own "Gra...
Euphoria V
(#) Tall_Tales 2013-05-01
A decent story, if a little hard to follow some times. Not due to the content, but due to the way the lines are organized. It feels very dense, and yet rushed, in particular the trial scene. I had difficulty getting an honest feel for what the characters were experiencing, though, of course, that could just be me.
On the other hand, it was still a fairly interesting read, though I'm unwilling to give it a rating for fear of being unfair in either direction.
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