Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The War Years


by ValentineRevenge 1 review

Mikey is devastated to find that Gerard went and joined the army behind his back.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-30 - Updated: 2013-01-31 - 268 words

Shortly after he applied to join the reserve forces, he got accepted. His letter came in the mail, and he was overjoyed. He showed his mother and his father, and while they both accepted his decision, since after all,he was an adult. However, the one person he didn't show this treasured letter to was his younger brother Mikey.

But that was about to change. About 2 weeks after it had came in the mail, while Gerard was out of his room, Mikey walked in, looking for his favorite shirt. Maybe it had gotten mixed up in the laundry. While glancing around Gerard's room, he found it, and he also found the letter on his brother's desk. Letter and shirt in hand, he charged up the stairs from the basement to confront the other man about it.

"Gee! Why did ya have to go and sign up for this behind my back!?" the boy had whined.

Gerard paused, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Well, Mikes, I was gonna tell you..."

"When you were about to leave?" Mikey squeed in annoyance.

"No, Mikes, before then, I swear!"

"But you got your acceptance letter 2 weeks ago, Gee! Two whole weeks!"

Right now, Gerard was feeling like Mikey was 5 again, and he was 8, and they were at church, Mikey whining about church being too long and too stuffy and boring.

"I was just waiting for the right time to tell you." He tried to cop out of it, but his plan backfired, as Mikey said, "If you joined the army reserve, then I'm joining too!"

He would not be deterred.
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