Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personalized One-Shot Trade

For MCR99

by ReturnFromTheAshes 1 review

Hope You Like It! c:

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-02-01 - Updated: 2013-02-02 - 766 words

“Class, I would like to introduce Gerard Way. Gerard is a new student here so make him feel welcome.”

I looked up from my sketch book to see the new kid. He was absolutely stunning in my eyes. The boy had dark raven hair, ivory skin and vibrant hazel orbs that looked dull with boredom. In a way, he seemed mysterious and I liked it.

Gerard headed down the aisle of desks. His boots clicked as he walked and kids looked up at him awkwardly. My breathing almost completely stopped when he was standing right next to me.

“Is it cool if I sit here?” His smooth voice asks. My lips curled into a smile and I nodded.

Gerard then swings his Misfits bookbag on the back of his chair and sits down. I look down and continued with my drawing.

“Alright, turn to page 108 and start reading chapter twelve. Gerard you can ask Sadie to borrow her notes on the past chapters.” Mrs. Smith announced.

Gerard tapped my shoulder with his pencil. I looked over to the raven haired boy and brushed the brown hair out of my dark green eyes. “Yes?” I asked.

“Um, can I borrow your notes?” He questions I nod pulling them out from under my sketchpad. Gerard’s eyes lock on to it.

“Whoa did you draw that?” He asks taking the notes then looking back at my work. I nod.

“Yeah, I got a little bored, it’s nothing special…”

“Hey, well I’m an artist too, if I say so myself. Maybe we could work on something together sometime?” Gerard smiles.

“Yeah sure that sounds great!” I say enthusiastically.

Little did I know at that time, just that small conversation would turn into something big.

Through out the day I spent all my time with Gerard, showing him each class, walking with him through the hallway. We even joked around a little bit.

“Hey look! The emo finally has a friend!” I heard a random kid sneer referring to me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gerard’s nose twitch.

The kid was leaned against a blue locker with one foot on the door of it, eyeing me and the dark haired boy. I tried to ignore him, but it was kinda hard after he tripped me.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Gerard screamed at him shoving the boy, Tyler, to the ground. Tyler didn’t get much of a chance to react before Gerard punching him in the nose.

This wasn’t the first time someone bullied me in front of Gerard that day. It was maybe the fourth. It must of really irritated him because he sure was giving Tyler a beating.

“Alright, that’s enough! Gerard, Tyler, to my office…. Now!” out of fucking nowhere the principle appears grabbing my new friend by the collar. The other boy was still on the floor grabbing his own stomach.

Gerard turns his head facing me as he walks, giving me a sad smile. “I’ll never let them hurt you, I promise.”, and that was the moment I finally realized I liked him more than just a friend. Gerard Way was something special to me.

A year later….

“Gerard give me back my phone!” I giggle jumping, trying to grab my cellar device out of his hand. My friend laughs and continues to run around the school yard.

“You gotta catch me first!” He hollers. I bolt at him running as fast as I could, tackling the 17 year old to the ground. Him and I both fall giggling.

As I lay on top of him, our laughter finally seize in to light breathing. Gosh, his eyes were so pretty.

“Can I tell you something?” Gerard asks. I nod not moving from my spot.


“Promise not to freak out?”


“You sure?”

“Yes just tell me!” I giggle completely inpatient.

“I really like you.” He says in a shy voice, I smile.

“I really like you too!”

“No, I mean… I think I may be in love with you Sadie.” Gerard tells me in a dead serious tone. I gotta admit it caught me quite off guard.

Out of impulse I quickly lean down and kiss him passionately. Gee was also not very expectant of this and didn’t respond for a second. I felt him smile under my lips and slowly kiss back. It was very gentle and sweet.

After a few seconds we both just gaze at each other smiling like idiots.

“So…. When’s our first date?”
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