Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Witch Child Part One

Witch Child Part Two

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

(I parted the story because the whole thing just seemed way too long) Please. Please Frankie, understand.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2013-02-05 - Updated: 2013-02-06 - 1954 words

"What?" I asked, looking at him. "Dude, I know he was a vampire and all, but that's a little off the charts in weird."

"Not Serban! Marina!" he glared at me. "Marina." he sighed. "I love her. I really do." He smiled at the open stage.

"Riiiiight...." I rolled my eyes. "So what are you going to do about it? Everyone's leaving and the caravan is nowhere to be seen." I waved my hand around.

"I'll find her!" he growled. I flinched back. He stood up and grabbed my hand. "Come on." He pulled me up with him.

We left through the guest exit and circled around the tent. There were big RVs lined up as the ringmaster helped the band load into one.

Serban was talking to the woman with the ice flower in her hand, his fingers always going back to her neck. Tudor was sitting in a tub of ice, smiling brightly at some of the dancers.

Adriana was setting cards down, her face hardly changing. She was closest to us. "Hello Lonely Boy." she said into the darkness. "Hello human boy." she looked at us. "You come for Marina. She is around the back of our RVs in the water tub." she pointed. "Follow the card."

One of her cards hovered in front of us and started to move slowly to the left. Gerard dragged me with him after it.

We rounded the RVs and there was the girl, submerged in a clear tub filled with water. She was laying down, her chest raising and falling rapidly. "Ohmigod!" I gasped, running over and grabbing her up.

She gasped as her head broke the surface. "Ce faci? Prostule!" she yelled before she looked at us. "Oh. Humans." she brushed her hair out of her face. "I'm sorry young ones." she smiled.

"Marina, I love you." Gerard said as I let her go. She balanced herself on her fingertips in the water.

"I know." she smiled at him. "Everyone does." she laughed, ducking under the water again. Her hair spread out like seaweed.

"No. I'm serious, Marina. I love you." I put my hand over my eyes.

"Look, human. I am a witch child. There's no way I can be close to a human. Let alone while I travel with my family." She said, the water echoing the sound of her voice.

It sounded dangerous. "You breath water?" Gerard asked. She laughed.

"I can breath air as well, but after shows I soak for a while. So does Tudor." she shrugged.

"Marina, who are you talking to?" the ringmaster's voice made chills raise on my spine. Marina rose out of the water.

"Nobody Papa!" she called. "You two should go home. You're not safe here. Papa can tell Serban to eat you if he feels like you are threatening me." she sighed.

"I'm willing to risk that to see you, Marina." Gerard said instantly.

"I'm not!" I gaped at him. He didn't even look at me.

"So what will you do, boy?" Marina asked, resting her arms on the side of the pool. "Follow us? Join our caravan?" she asked, the rest of her body swaying around in the water.

"Yes." he nodded. "Anything. Anyway I can be with you."

"Then you'll have to be undead." she looked at me. "Should he join us, you would come to. A life of freedom. An immortal life. Serban will sire you if I ask him to." Her soft accent made my heart race.

"I'm in." Gerard said quickly. I sighed, looking at Marina.

"If I bring along someone, can he remain human?" I asked, my mind on Frankie. She shrugged.

"As long as you wish him to be. But he will die, as the rest of your breed does." she said bluntly.

"I'm in then. And if he doesn't want to come, I'll understand." I bit back tears."Gerard, let me see your phone." I held my hand out for it.

He put it in my palm without looking away from Marina. I dialed Frankie's number. "Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Frankie. So just please let me say something." Silence. "I love you. I always have. The only reason I'm telling you this now is because Gerard and I are going with a Romanian caravan. I won't be there tomorrow."

"Are you kidding Mikey?" he asked, his voice hitching. "Mikey, this isn't funny, please stop."

"Frankie, I love you so much. I really do. I need to ask you something. Will you come with us? There are some terms that you won't have to follow that Gerard and I do, but please. Think about it. I don't know how much time we have here..." I looked at Marina.

"We leave in two hours." She told me, looking into Gerard's eyes. I nodded, tears flowing freely now.

"Two hours." I wiped my eyes lightly, sniffling. He gasped on the other side.

"Mikey, where are you? I'll be there as soon as I can." he asked harshly.

"You're coming with us?" I asked, my stomach clenching in joy.

"Of course!" he cried. "I can't lose you to a caravan." I heard him packing his bag already. "Now what are these terms?" he asked.

"I'll....tell you when you get here. They don't apply to you I promise." I said feverishly into the phone. "Do me a favor. Stop by our house and grab some of our clothes, Gerard's art stuff, my bass and our phone chargers?"

"Yeah." he laughed. "You really didn't plan this, did you?"

"Not one bit." I laughed. "And some of my favorite books." I added. "Please hurry." I breathed into the phone.

"I will. Mikey?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I bit my lip.

"I love you." fresh tears slid out of my eyes.

"I love you too." I sighed and gave him our rough location before I hung up.

Maybe this whole thing won't be so bad. Marina had her eyes closed. A ball of water lifted up out of the tub and flew over the RVs.

There was a faint splash. A second later, Serban fell out of the air and stood next to the tub. "Da?" he said, his lips pursed around his fangs.

"They want to join us. Be kind to this one, though." She patted Gerard's hands.

"Can we wait on me? I want to do something before I undie." I frowned.

"What?" Gerard asked me. I smiled at him.

"Kiss Frankie." He blinked at me. I nodded and watched the road. Serban knelt next to Marina's tub.

"You know you'll have to tell Papa, da?" he said.

"Da. And I will AFTER you change them." she smiled at her brother. He grinned back with tight lips.

After about twenty minutes of me pacing and looking at the road, head lights finally rounded the corner.

It was Frankie. I smiled and ran over to him as he got out of the car. He threw his arms around my neck as I picked him up and spun him around.

I didn't even bother to set him down. Our lips came together forcefully. Silence echoed through the air behind us as we broke apart.

"Okay, Serban. Now I'm ready." I took Frankie's hand and walked over to the gathering. "Frankie, this is Serban and Marina." I said as Serban rose behind me.

"Hi." Frankie said shyly. "Mikey, what's going on?" He asked as Serban tipped my head to the side.

"Just, trust me, okay?" I asked him, keeping his hand. "And don't let go of my hand, no matter what."

"Okay. I trust you Mikey." he said as Serban put his mouth on my neck. I closed my eyes as he bit into my skin, making my heart react in fear.

My hand tightened on Frankie's as he gasped. I felt my blood being pulled out of my body slowly, my knees giving out.

The only thing I could focus on was Frankie's hand in mine. And, suddenly, I felt nothing.

I woke up in a RV, my head in Frankie's lap, my hand still in his. My neck hurt like hell and my eyes stung. "What happened?" I asked, looking around.

Marina had Gerard in her lap, running her fingers through his hair, on the other side of the RV. She was humming something under her breath. "Apparently you're a vampire now in a magical caravan." Frankie said to me.

"Oh yeah." I sat up, the room spinning. "Oh god." I fell back, covering my eyes with my hands.

"Da, you'll be a little dizzy. Here." A pale wrist entered my vision, a red line opened in it.

My mouth watered. I grabbed it and latched my mouth onto it. The blood tasted off, but it made my vision return and my head stop spinning.

It was taken away from me after a moment. I sighed and let it go. Serban smiled down at me. "Let me see." he said, tipping my head back. "Ah. They grew in nicely." he said, the tip of his thumb rubbing over the point of one of my new fangs.

I jumped at the touch. Serban laughed darkly and sat next to Adriana on the floor where she sat with her cards. "Welcome to our clan, boy." she smiled up at me as she flipped over a card.

I still didn't know what the card meant, but it looked good. Something light with birds. "Is that good?" I asked around my fangs. She nodded and started gathering her cards up.

"Serban, Ce ai de gând să-i spun tata?" Adriana said to him.

"Eu ar trebui să-i spun?" he laughed, looking at Marina. "Ele sunt responsabilitatea ei."

"Tu i-ai dorită, frate." Marina said, not looking away from Gerard.

"La naiba cu tine Marina. Ai câștigat întotdeauna." he growled, standing up and grabbed the phone off of the wall.

Gerard gasped on Marina's lap. Serban sighed and hung the phone back up, walking over to him. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and slit his wrist again.

He held it to Gerard, who had the same reaction I did. Serban pulled it away after a longer moment than I got, which made me a little jealous.

Gerard looked at me and I gasped at his eyes. "Holy fuck." He said. "Mikey, your eyes are red."

"So are yours!" I pointed at him. I sat up next to Frankie and rubbed my forehead.

"Marina." I heard the smile in Gerard's voice. I looked over in time to see him hug her. Marina smiled and hugged him back tightly, kissing the side of his head.

"I'm so confused." Frankie sighed. We all laughed at that.

"Welcome to the caravan. Have you met Tudor yet? He's even stranger than these three." I smiled at him.

"Hey!" Marina scoffed. "I take offense to that! I'm clearly the weirdest here!" WE all laughed at her.

"Um, I'm still in the ruling. I win." I raised my hands. Frankie took one and put it in his lap.

"Human. I win." he laughed.

"True." The five of us said together. "Frankie's the weirdest thing in our Freak Show." We all laughed to the point of crying.

"I love you." I laughed between gasping breaths.

"You better." he sighed.

Lalalalalalalalala part two done! And it's almost midnight!

So I need to sleep. I'll try to update something tomorrow too but no idea if I can.

So R+R while you can!

Hugs and Breasticles,

What are you doing? You fool!
What do you plan to tell Papa?
Am I supposed to tell him? They are her responsibility.
You sired them, brother.
Damn you Marina. You always win.
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