Categories > TV > WWE

Straight Through The Heart

by tjsparkles 1 review

Jon Moxley didn't do birthdays. Moxley/OC.

Category: WWE - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2013-02-11 - Updated: 2013-02-12 - 1112 words - Complete

A/N: This is my shitty attempt to write fluff. Birthday present 1 of 2 for Rhiannon Leigh Black.
Hope you enjoy! I tried really hard to write fluff for you.

Jon Moxley didn't do birthdays. He didn't do any special occasions, for that matter, because he had never been in a relationship long enough to warrant such actions. As a result, Jon just hadn't thought about what would happen should he find himself in a long term relationship some day. And that's where he was now. He'd been dating his girlfriend for two months, which seemed scant to others, but for him, it was a huge milestone considering his disdain for relationships and his distrust of nearly everyone. This girl had taken hold of his heart with both hands, and sometimes, it felt as though she was squeezing it so tight that he could barely breathe.

When did he become such a fucking sap? Jon Moxley didn't do serious relationships, and he definitely didn't fall in love. In fact, he'd actively tried for most of his adult life to avoid doing just that. He'd treated girls like nothing more than sex objects, using them solely for his own pleasure, at his leisure, and then moved on. A relationship had been the absolute last thing he'd wanted, yet despite his best efforts to avoid falling in love, that's exactly what had happened. He knew that he was in deep, so deep that he didn't have even a prayer of getting out, even if he wanted to.

His girlfriend's birthday was that very day, and Jon had no idea what to get her. A card seemed like too little, and flowers seemed like too much. Jon didn't know if his girl even liked flowers, anyway. He contemplated calling one of her friends and asking for suggestions, but he really wanted this to be a surprise. He wanted to put forth the effort needed to maintain this relationship and make it work, despite the fact that he had never done so before. Jon had been to spend the rest of his life by himself up until now, or at least that was what he had convinced himself. He thought that he'd done a pretty good job of fooling himself, until he'd met the beautiful girl that had stolen his heart, and he hadn't been the same since.

“Maybe I should get her chocolate,” Jon mused to himself. He remembered Jimmy Jacobs telling him that all girls liked flowers, jewelry, and chocolate. Jimmy was an annoying little shit sometimes, but when it came to girls, he was pretty in tune with them, and Jon knew that he could trust his friend's judgment. In fact, he wondered why he hadn't paid more attention all those times when Jimmy had yammered about what women expected from men and had offered Jon tips on how to keep a girl happy, should he ever get a girlfriend in the future. At the time, Jon had threatened to bust Jimmy's mouth if he didn't shut the hell up, but now he wished he'd listened to him.

Sighing, Jon checked his watch. He still had a good hour and a half before his girlfriend would be home from work. Originally, he had planned to swing by and pick her up, but now that he had a better idea of what he wanted to do to make his girl's day special, Jon decided that he'd spend the remaining time preparing the house so that it would be perfect when his girlfriend got home.

“Bubble bath, check. Glasses of Pepsi, check..” Jon mentally ran through everything in his head as he looked around the bathroom. He'd taken the liberty of drawing a steaming hot bath for his girlfriend, complete with bubbles. On the side of the bathtub were two long stemmed crystal glasses, both filled to the brim with Pepsi. Jon had originally wanted to go with champagne, but then decided that Pepsi would be unique and something that his girlfriend wouldn't expect. Last minute nerves were beginning to set in, and Jon temporarily panicked. What if it wasn't enough? He didn't know what he was doing, and if his girlfriend thought it was lame, he'd be crushed.

Though he didn't like to admit it to anyone, Jon was nowhere near as hardened and tough as he liked to pretend that he was. He had fallen head over heels in love with this girl, and it scared Jon. But at the same time, it was a feeling that he was quickly becoming dependent upon. He'd always said that the adrenaline that he got from wrestling was the most addicting feeling in the world, but that was before he met his girlfriend. Kissing her, touching her, holding her, and just spending as much time as he could with her had quickly and effectively replaced that. If they broke up, Jon would be crushed.

The lock clicked in the door and then opened, alerting Jon to the presence of another. He quickly exited the bathroom and made his way into the kitchen, and immediately smiled when he was greeted with the familiar face of his girlfriend.

“Hey, babe.” He took the young woman in his strong arms and kissed her forehead sweetly. “Long day at work?”

“Ugh, yes,” she moaned, slinging her purse onto the kitchen table and cracking her neck. “I stretched muscles I didn't even know I had. It's good to be home.” The young woman managed a smile. “How was your day?”

“Good, good. I missed you.” Jon twirled a stray lock of the girl's hair around his index finger and tugged gently. “Come upstairs with me. I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise?” An eyebrow quirked. “You didn't have to do that.”

“No shit,” Jon replied sarcastically, but he was smiling. “I wanted to.” He tugged her wrist gently. “C'mon. Everything's upstairs.”

The young woman stared at Jon quizzically, but allowed Jon to lead her up the stairs and into the bathroom. Upon seeing the dimmed lights, the bathtub full of water and nearly overflowing with bubbles, and the two long stemmed Pepsi-filled glasses sitting on the side of the tub, she let out a gasp.

“Jon, this is...this is too much.” She turned to the tall blonde man and hugged him around the middle, eliciting a shocked “oof” from her boyfriend. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome,” Jon mumbled, cheeks pink from embarrassment. He gently pulled his girlfriend away and held her in front of him, his eyes locking on hers.

“Happy birthday, baby,” he whispered just before he leaned in to gently brush his lips against his girlfriend's. “I love you.”
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