Categories > Original > Drama

Mirror Speaks

by tinyvoldemorts 0 reviews

If my mirror could talk, what would it say about me? Read on to find out! This is a one shot.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2013-02-14 - Updated: 2013-02-14 - 130 words - Complete

Hello, Ana. I'm your mirror. I am the thing that you look into each day. Well, I'd like to tell you some stuff. How I actually feel about you. Are you ready? No need to answer that.

I think that you're a colossal fat ass. Your stomach is huge and you have that double chin. No wonder you'll die alone. No one would love someone as worthless and as pathetic as you are. I mean, why would they? Also, if you died your death wouldn't have an impact on the world. No one would notice. Okay, that was a little mean. I mean, someone would notice but it'd only be your family. Your friends would move on and they'd find someone to replace you. They'd find someone so much better.
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