Categories > Anime/Manga > Sailor Moon > Sailor Moon's Pokemon Journey

Sailor Moon's Pokemon Journey

by USA_Tiger 1 review

Just when Usagi thought her life had settled down and she could live a peaceful life, a new villan group has shown up. They've manage to move Usagi from one world to another where creature's called...

Category: Sailor Moon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor - Characters: Usagi (Moon) - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-01-07 - Updated: 2008-01-07 - 3766 words

Sailor Moon's Pokemon Journey

By: USA Tiger

Author Note: When I first started writing fanfics, I had started a crossover story that was a Sailor Moon/ Pokemon crossover with a small side of Ranma 1/2 and Legend of Zelda. Years later, going back over that story I can see now how badly written it was. So I scraped the whole story, took the original idea behind it and have started over. This is not a rewrite of my original Sailor Moon P story, but a different story altogether with the same core idea.

So I hope you like this improved story of Sailor Moon/Pokemon.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Pokémon.

Chapter 1

Deep within the darkest space between the stars, in between dimensions, a small floating piece of rock rested there with a dark castle resting on top of it. Inside, standing at one of the windows, a pale skin young man with waist length hair the shade of pure silver and eyes the shade of blue ice, wearing a ebony black ruffle shirt with billowing sleeves that was tightly secured at his wrist and was open over his chest. He also wore white trousers that the ends were tucked into knee high black boots. He stood in a large throne room, staring out the window into the blackness that surrounded the castle.

With a sigh, the young man turned and walked away from the window toward the throne at the end of the room. Along the way, he signaled for a servant to come to him as he sat gracefully.

"Yes Prince Jareth?" A young Elvin servant boy asked as he bow to his prince.

"Bring me the crystal," Jareth said in a bored tone. The boy bowed again before rushing off to find said crystal. A moment later, he returned with a pillow clasped between his hands, bowing a third time and presenting the crystal ball resting on the pillow to the prince. Jareth carefully picked up the crystal and dismissed the servant. "Show me the princess."

The crystal glowed brightly for a moment before showing a young woman with calf length golden blond hair and crystal blue eyes finishing getting dressed in a school uniform and rushing out of a room while styling her hair into twin buns on the top of her head with streams of hair coming from each.

"Soon, my lovely Princess Serenity, you will be my queen and not that weakling human prince," Jareth whispered, banishing the image in crystal and setting it to the side. "But it will be difficult to reach to her with her guard and the prince always with near here. Mother must have a solution to this problem," Jareth mused as he stood and left the throne room.


A coldly beautiful woman sat at a large vanity table, running a brush through her long white hair, humming a light song under her breath.

"Come in my son," The woman said before Jareth could knock on the door. The young man opened the door and walked into his mother's, Ozma, room. He kneeled at her feet, resting his head on his lap. "What troubles you?" She asked, setting the brush to the side and placing a hand on top of Jareth's head.

"The problem is with Serenity’s guard and the human prince. How am I to woo her with they are always near her. They will not allow her to escape her fate of marry the prince," Jareth said, eyes closing as Ozma started petting his hair.

"It is true, they depend too much on the future they saw when the pink hair child brought them to her time," Ozma said, slipping her hand down to Jareth's chin and urged him to lift his head. "So the solution to the problem is simple, I shall use my magic to send the Moon Princess to another world, it will be easy since our castle rest between dimensions. Once she is alone, you will be free to woo her without her guard always around her."

"That is perfect mother," Jareth said, giving her a small smile. Only his mother would ever see any emotions like this from the prince of the Dark Star kingdom.

"It is my son. Now, leave me and prepare for your journey. I can handle running the castle without you here while you work on your princes,s" Ozma said, dismissing her child.


"I can't believe I'm going to be late! I thought I finally got over that!" Usagi Tsukino yelled as she ran down the street. Months after her and her friend’s last adventure with the Starlights and the battle against Chaos, things had settled down in the Juban part of Japan. Except for the odd monster that popped up now and then, which most of the time only took one or two of them to defeat. Usagi had finally buckled down, killing her sleeping habits and studying harder. She wasn't an A+ student like her friend Ami, but her grades had improved greatly. The blond figured that if she was going to become queen in the far future, she better have a good education.

All of her friends and fellow Senshi were proud of their princess who was maturing finally, even if her eating habits still hadn't changed too much.

But, for that morning for some reason, Usagi had gotten up very late and now was running down the streets toward school much like she had in a past.

"Well.... huff Usagi.... at least..... puff doesn't happen.... all the time.... now," Luna, Usagi's adviser and personal trainer Mau cat said as she ran down the street behind her mistress. She too was a bit surprised that Usagi had woken up as late as she did but Luna supposed that everyone had a slip up every now and then. Unknown to the Mau and Lunarian, the Queen of the Dark Star kingdom, Ozma, was watching the pair with a smirk on her lips. A small wave of her hand, she made a large, mean dog appear and start running toward the black Mau following Usagi.

The conjured dog barked and growled, setting its sights on Luna and giving chase. Luna gave a screech in terror and sped up to escaped from the dog's jaws. Both animals ran between Usagi's legs, knocking the girl to the ground with an "Ooof!"

"Ow! You mangy dog! Leave my cat alone!" Usagi yelled as she tried to get up from the ground. Tried is the word, Usagi quickly found she was unable to move from where she fell and was even sinking into the ground. "Luna!"

Luna stopped at Usagi's panicked yelled and spun around, seeing the dog that had been chasing her disappear in a puff of smoke and her princess sinking into a black hole in the ground.

"Princess!" She yelled and grabbed onto a sleeve of Usagi's uniform. But the pull was too strong and Usagi disappeared with a yelp, the sleeve of the uniform in Luna's mouth tearing away. Soon there was nothing there but the startled cat and a school bag.


In a flash of dark light, Usagi reappeared in the middle of a brightly lit forest, resting underneath a large tree. Up in the tree a pair of silted eyes zeroed in on the blond girl, wondering what had caused the teen to suddenly appear like so. Leaping from branch to branch until it reached the ground, a strange cat like creature with no visible nose and a tail that curled at the end high over its back slowly walked closer to Usagi, who had been knocked out by the suddenly displacement by magic.

The sunlight started to glint and shine off the large golden oval shape charm with a chipped off corner on the cat's head, into Usagi's face as the girl started to come to, making the Japanese teen groan as she held up her hand to ward off the light.

"Ugggg, any one get the number of the bus that hit me?" She asked with another groan as she sat up and opened her blue eyes as she stretched arms over her head. Usagi stopped in mid stretch, blinking in confusion as she took in her surroundings and tried to figure out where she was. And how she got there.

It came crashing back down on the girl after a moment causing her to yelp in shock. The yell startled the cat creature, who had already backed away several feet from Usagi to jump into the air with a "MEOWTH!" Usagi's head whipped at the sound, eyes wide in surprise.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty," Usagi cooed after a minute, getting onto her hands and knees, hold out a hand for the cat to sniff. The creature hesitated for a moment before slowly crawling forward to sniff the offered hand, in case it was a trick to trap him in a pokeball. Usagi slowly started to run her fingers over the cat's head and scratched behind its ears. The cat's eyes fell closed in pleasure and started to purr softly, leaning into the girl's hand. “Well you're a strange looking fellow aren’t you."

The cat gave Usagi a look as if to say 'what do you mean by strange looking'. "I've never seen a cat like you before," She continued, seeing the look. She's seen all breeds of cats back home plus the Mau or Moon Cats, that advised and trained her and her friends. But she had never seen anything like this. Usagi sighed, dropped her hand from the cat and moving to stand up. She looked around again as she brushed dirt and grass off her skirt.

"Where am I?" She asked proud of herself for not freaking out anymore than she had been and was being clam about this. The princess frowned as she noted that she didn't have her school bag anymore, which had her communicator in it, so that left out trying to get in touch with the other senshi. In fact, the only thing she had were the clothing on her back and her brooch on her chest that contained the Ginzuishou. She did consider using her crystal to try and get back home but truthfully had no idea how to do so. Usagi had never used the Ginzuishou for anything like that as of yet. 'Guess I'm walking to the nearest town then,' she though sighing and starting to walk away.

"Ja matta Neko-chan," She called over her shoulder to the cat as she walked away. The cat sat there watching the girl walk off before making a decision and getting up to follow behind after her.


Pallet Town - 1 Mile

Usagi sighed in relief as she read the sign. She had been walking all day and was glad to finally reach a human settlement.

"I thought we never find a town," She told the cat at her feet. After about an hour or so walking, Usagi had discovered that she was being followed by the strange cat and in the end welcomed the company.

"Me-owth!" The cat agreed as the two of them started walking again. Sometime later, the unusual pair reached the small homey town of Pallet, a group of children playing on the edge of it.

"Wow! Is that your Meowth?" One of the boys asked as Usagi passed them.

"Huh?" Usagi asked stopping and giving the children a look of confusion.

"That Pokémon, is it yours?" The child asked again. Usagi, who had no idea what a Pokémon was but assumed he was talking about the cat that had been walking with her, slowly shook her head.

"Iie, it's just been keeping me company," She said.

"Well, you better be careful then or another trainer will catch it!" The boy exclaimed before running to rejoin his friends who had walked off. Usagi, even more confused now, sighed and started walking again. Only to be stopped again, this time in the form of running into someone as they walked out of a store. "Ahh, I'm sorry!"

"Oh, it's quite alright," The other person, an older woman with shoulder length brown hair said as both she and Usagi bent over to pick up the items that had been knocked out her hands. "Things like this happen. "

"Mime mime mime," A voice said from behind the woman. Usagi blink in surprise as she goggled at the strange creature behind the woman she had bumped into, stranger even than the cat she had been with all day. It was an almost human looking thing that reminded Usagi a bit of a mime she saw on TV once.

"That's right Mimeie," The woman said, smiling. "Oh dear, you look tired. Come on with me, you look like you could use a rest." Usagi's stomach took the chance to growl at that moment, reminding the Japanese teen she hadn't had anything to eat since her rushed breakfast that morning. "And it seems you and your Meowth could use something to eat," the woman added with a small laugh. Usagi blushed hotly while the cat's ears perked up at the mention of food.

"Well, I suppose so...." Usagi said, quickly taking one of the bags from the woman's hands and carrying it for her.

"You must not be from around this area, I've never seen you before," The woman said, before holding a hand up to her mouth and laughing embarrassedly. "Oh how rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Delia Ketchum and this is my Mr. Mine Mimeie."

"I'm Usagi," The younger woman said, giving Delia a bright smile. "And no, I'm not from around here.... err.... I'm from Japan."

"Oh, did you move here with your family?" Delia asked as she led Usagi and Meowth to her home. Usagi shook her head slowly, trying to think of a reason why she was where ever she was without letting Mrs. Ketchum know that she wasn't from this world. "Well then, I can only guess you’re here to train Pokémon/. It's rare someone from the main lands comes to our island, more Americans than anything, to train /Pokémon but it happens. Have you gone to see Samuel, I mean, Professor Oak yet?" Delia assumed that Usagi had already gone to see her friend or the Meowth was a family pet that decided to stick with its master.

"Who?" Usagi asked, having no idea who Delia was speaking of.

"Professor Samuel Oak dear, he's a good dear friend of mine. He's the local scientist and one of the world's top expert's on Pokémon," Delia commented as the two girls and two pokemon arrived at her home. Delia unlocked the door and took the bag Usagi was holding. "Just make yourself comfortable in the living room while I whip something up to eat right quick."

Usagi did as asked and wondered into the living room. There were several pictures in the room, mostly of a boy with spiky black hair at various ages. In some, there was a large yellow mouse looking creature with him that had bright red cheeks, a jagged tail and bright amber colored eyes.

'What am I going to do? I have no way of getting in touch with the others, no idea where on Earth I am, and no idea what to do now,' Usagi thought as she sat on the couch leaning forward so her elbows were resting on her knees and resting her chin in her hands. The Meowth jumped up beside her and watched the girl with concern. 'I guess I'm still on Earth since Ketchum-san mentioned Americans but I never heard of Pokémon, it sounds like something out of a videogame. Maybe.... maybe I'm on a different version of Earth? Like in episodes of Star Trek I watched once.

'But if that's the case, how do I get back? I wonder if that professor guy that Ketchum-san mentioned would be able to help? It doesn't seem I have much of a choice here.'

"Here we are Usagi," Delia said with a bright smile as she carried in a tray with food. It was mostly finger sandwiches with chips plus a bowl of tuna for Meowth. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

"Iie, I was just looking at all your pictures," Usagi said as she picked up a sandwich and nibbled on it, not wanting to eat like a pig in front of her hostess.

"Oh, most of them are of my son Ash. He's been away on his own Pokémon journey, has been since he was 10," Delia said, giving a proud yet sad smile as she thought of her only child.

"Wow, since he was 10? I bet you miss him a lot," Usagi said, blinking her blue eyes in surprise at the thought of any parent letting their kid go off on their own at 10 years of age.

"I miss him every day, worry about him constantly," Delia confessed. "But I am so proud of him too. He has come out on top of so many leagues and made such good friends." She had a sad but proud smile on her face as she said this. "He's so much like his father."

Usagi shook her head slightly, she's couldn't see her parents letting her go off on her own at 10. They wouldn't even let her do it at 16! Heck, her dad would have a heart attack if he knew about all of the adventures Usagi had done since she was 14. Still, things seemed very different here.


"Ok, I have no idea how to do this," Usagi groused as she started up the hill toward the house on top of it. According to Delia, it was where her friend Samuel Oak, the Pokémon professor lived. The blond was hoping that he would be able to help her get back home, but there was still the problem of just how she was suppose to explain to the man how she got here in the first place. After all, there was a very good chance that he wouldn't believe her.

"Meowth?" The Meowth said as he walked beside the girl, looking up in her direction.

"After all Neko-chan, it's not as if I can just go up to the man and say 'Hi, my name is Usagi. I'm from a different version of Earth where Pokémon doesn't exist and I have no idea how I got here so I need help getting back home'," Usagi said, throwing her hands up in the air, if only she still had her communicator!

"Really? That's quite an interesting story," A man said behind Usagi, causing the girl to get a shriek of surprise, spinning on her heel and jumping back. "Though I'm not sure how much help I can be right at the moment."

"Wait.... Are you Professor Oak?" Usagi asked, pointing at the man who had graying hair and was wearing a lab coat.

"Why yes, I'm Professor Oak. And I believe you just said your name is Usagi correct?" Professor Oak said, smiling as Usagi hesitantly nodded her head. "Well my dear, come inside my lab and tell me more about your traveling between worlds. I can't guarantee I will be of help right at this moment, but I'm sure I can think of something," He added, as he lead Usagi and Meowth into his home.


"And when I woke up, I was in the middle of a forest with Neko-chan here," Usagi finished her tale before picking up her cup of tea and sipping from it.

"I must say Usagi, that is quite a tale," Professor Oak said as he thought over the story Usagi had told him. To think, there was another Earth somewhere where Pokémon didn't even exist! "I can see why you’re confused about Pokémon then since there are none where you’re from."

"So you believe me?" Usagi asked, surprised but pleased that the older man didn't think of her a basket case.

"Oh yes. When I was younger, during my Pokémon travel days when I was still a Trainer, a legendary Pokemon called Celebi had taken me to the future then took me back to my own time. Since time travel is possible, why not alternate versions of the same planet," Professor Oak said, thinking back fondly of his days of his youth. "In fact, there's a legend of a Pokémon that had the power over dimensions though I wouldn't know where that Pokémon is."

"Oh, so there's no way to get me home," Usagi said, pouting softly. Meowth 'Nayed', rubbing his head against her arm. Usagi lifted a hand and started scratching the cat Pokémon behind his ear.

"Nothing I can do, but you could search for this Pokémon yourself," Professor Oak said, standing up from the low table and going over to a counter, starting to search though one of his cabinets.

"Search for the Pokémon myself? Just go out on my own in a world I know nothing about?" Usagi asked, blinking her blue eyes in surprise.

"Not on your own, your Meowth there will go with you, as well as other Pokémon you catch," Professor Oak said as he turned around, holding up a red and white pokeball. "By starting your own Pokémon training journey, no one is sure where this Pokémon is, or what it is even called. But I can do some research on my end while you," here he tossed Usagi the Pokeball, which she caught with both hands, "search on your own. I'll provide you all the things you need to start off."

"Wait, you said this Pokémon is just a legend, how do I even know if it's even real?" Usagi said, looking down at the pokeball in her hands.

"Well my dear, all of the other Pokémon in the old legends have been proven to be real, I don't see why not this one. So what do you say?" Usagi's forehead became marred with thought lines as she went over her options. Then she looked to the Pokémon at her side who looked up to her with large black eyes.


"Alright, I'll do it" she said, looking up at Professor Oak.


Edit 8-4-14: Cleaned up a bunch of grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes. Got the whole ‘é’ in the word Pokémon fixed too.
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