Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fallen Into The Wrong Hands(All Veil Romance)

Chapter Five

by Detonating_Bunny 0 reviews

Gerard does a little spying, and we see some insight on Alex.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-02-17 - Updated: 2013-02-18 - 1210 words

Gerard’s P.O.V

I heard what i assumed was frank pulling his keys out coming from outside, i was seated waiting patiently for him to open the door till i heard another voice, no not just another voice it was his voice the person i was trying to get my bestfriend away from, Ashley Purdy. I got up and ran as fast as i could to the closet the iero’s had in their living room, choosing it was best to hide than confront frankie about it all and make everything worst. I made it just in time shutting the door just as i heard Frank finally opening the door.

“You sure its okay for me to be here?” Ashley asked.

“Yeah, its cool, like i said my parents are at work.” Frank replied.

He was so sure i wouldn't stick around or what? He seriously should know I never give up easily.

“Okie dokie then, so you feel any better?” Ashley asked.

“Yup, i guess it was good to let it all out and talk to someone you know?” Frankie said, did he seriously tell him everything? He just met the guy, I don't care if he's mad at me what the hell you don't just tell a stranger our problems.

"Oh that's good I'm glad I could help somehow," Ashley said sounding smug about it. God is it possible time hate this guy more than I do? I think no everything about him bugs me, his voice his hair his stupid hats and clothes it's like dude you look nothing like the guys from kiss and goth kids aren't in anymore!! And again with the hats it's more like bro you're not a cowboy we live in Jersey not Texas! And I'm sure they don't even wear that. Ugh I wanted to get out and just beat him to the ground, with that thought I kicked one of the boxes in the closet forgetting they didn't know I was here. Fuck.

"What the hell was that?" They said in unison.

"Shit! maybe my dad's home," said Frank sounding scared, and I knew why Frank's dad had a temper if he realizes Frank's not at school and brought someone he didn't know Frank was bound to get grounded.

"Come on let's go," Frank said grabbing Ashley's hand. He grabbed his hand and not just in a come on let's go to pulling him along he grabbed his hand and interlaced his fingers with him giving him a smile as they started to walk to the door, I wished I hadn't seen that, why did this door have to be like the one in e.t, that is still one of the saddest movies ever. Anyway God Gerard stop procrastinating, should I follow them? If Frank catches me I know he'll be madder but I need to make sure nothing happens between them why I don't know but the smile he gave him right before they left worried me.


Alex’s P.O.V (About time i brought him in don’t ya’ll think?)

Gosh, today’s going freaking slow, where the hell is that little midget and his over protective friend i hadn’t seen them all day,i haven't been able to tease them, especially frank, gosh that kid was lucky he’s pretty open about being gay or bi whatever and well on my end i couldn’t just come out i had a reputation to keep up, as captain of the football team and all. If i could i would but then again i was scared of my best friends reaction, oh jack god he’s the whole reason why i realized i was gay. Well had i not gone to Pete’s party 2 years ago and actually went through with spin the bottle and made out with him, gosh what booze does to you, thankfully jack doesn't remember half of what happened that night, so he doesn't remember what i whispered right after.

Who the hell could rant this much about kennedy being a manwhore, seriously what the hell does that have to do with his impact on the u.s. I started tapping my pen against the table i knew id get in trouble but you know what fuck it i didn’t care the dean’s was better than this.

“Mr. Gaskarth do you have nothing else to do than disturb the class?” asked Ms. Darren

“Yeah, but you know i’m stuck in your boring ass class,” i answered, the class chuckled, seriously they laugh at everything how the hell was that even funny?

“Would you rather be in the dean’s office?” she asked

“Nah,” i said.

“Then shut it and listen,” she said.

“Eh, i’ll pass,” I replied, surprising her.

“Ugh, Just go.” she said.

“Jeez its not my fault you have cheating issues!” I said getting my stuff together.

“Alex! Get Out! You know nothing of my romantic life!” she exclaimed.

I walked out the door laughing, gosh she did have problems, she didn't even bother giving me a slip meaning there was no use going to the office they'd send me back to get a slip and she’d end up throwing a book at me like last time. Might as well go to the field and do some drills we had a game in about 2 weeks and i didn't feel ready.

I reached the gym to get a football out, then headed to the feild. As i reached it i felt someone jump on my back, it had to be Jack, he wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me back and causing me to clip on the wet grass, fuck i fell right on the concrete he couldnt have waited a bit more til i would fall back on grass and not hit my ass right on the hard floor.

“Nice going, Jack i think you broke my ass!” i yelled.

He giggled and said, “ Baby don’t worry, the only thing that can harm that would be me trying to get inside you.”

He put his hand on my cheek trying so hard not to laugh his ass off. I just smacked his hand, “Idiot!” i said.

“Hey! what the fudge did i do to deserve such an insult?” he said looking sarcastically hurt.

“Well you just made me hurt my ass!” i answered.

“Well its not like you need it or anything” he said

“Eh, whatever help me up!” i said, holding up my hand. He took it and pulled me up

“Well you wanna go run some drills or something? I don’t wanna get creamed when we start the playoffs.” I asked.

“Yeah sure, by the way, i’m sorry for breaking your ass,” he said patting me on the back as we walked fully into the field, it was these moments i cherished being able to just be around him, i’d love to tell him i feel about him but i just knew he didn't feel the same.

A/N: it's been awhile i guess i'm back after some writer's block, tell me if this is any good and what not reviews are hugely appreciated.
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