Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
I can't take this anymore. Why does everybody have to argue so much?? the mcrmy is supposed to be a caring non-judgemental fanbase. We are the people that are meant to accept everybody and respect everyone. I'm sorry but that is just not whats happening.
Omg why does anyone like one direction/justin beiber their lyrics are meaningless, they cant save anyone with that shit.
omg botdf are fucking pedo's omg omg omg.
I dont hate justin beiber its his fan base i cant stand
Fucking get over yourselves. you are a fan base, just like everybody else. and to be honest i dont think the boys would be very happy about the way we're treating people.
Oh my gee, did you just put mcr lyrics on a pic of justin beiber go die.
I dont want to live on this planet anymore oh my frerard.
Oh my god why doesnt anyone like good music omg.
Shut the fuck up and listen to yourselves!! how would you feel if somebody said that about mcr?? I know that we are not able to understand it, but to somebody harry styles is their gerard way and we have to accept that and not judge them for thinking that way. What is the point of saying 'omg justin beiber sucks like seriously go die' all it does is make people feel shit about themselves. We constantly go on about how other people treat us differently for liking the music we do and how it makes us cut and want to kill ourselves but how do you think they feel?? it works both ways guy's. And it is also a form of cyber bullying, just the same as it is for them to criticize you.
I can't take this anymore, our fanbase has gone to shit. You're giving us a bad name and i dont know if i want to be a part of that anymore. obviously i will still love mcr just the same, they will still be ma little bby's and hero's but I can't sit here watching people who are meant to love everybody for who they are and accept everyone judge people just the same as the people they hate because of an opinion.
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