Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions. c:

Auditions. c:

by intoyouricyblues 11 reviews

Please audition for my first story. Pwease? *big navy eyes*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-02-25 - 154 words

Heya again. I was wondering if anyone wanted to be in my first story! I'd need:

Frank's lover
Ray's lover                - - - - - You guys would all be my friends later in the story.
Gerard's lover 

And a spy. Good or bad? I don't know, it all depends on what you want!

What I need

Killjoy name:

Detailed Appearance:

5 words that describe your personality:

3 Likes/3 Dislikes:

How did you become a killjoy? (Pretty much a background):

How did you find the others?:

Killjoy outfit:

Part You Want:

Anything special about you? Quirks? Talents? Health issues?:

For the Spy
How do you know Korse?:
Why do you hate/like the killjoys?:
What's your reason for trying to capture me?:
Do you eventually turn good? Why or why not?:

That's it. I really hope you'll audition. I'd like you to be a part of my first story. c:
xo Ari aka Mute Immolation
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