Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Outcome of a Failed Suicide Atttempt

Attention to Detail

by Mikeyunicornrawr 0 reviews

Patrick and his mom are invited to Pete's house for dinner

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-02-26 - 1129 words

I slump onto the couch after walking home, groaning. I can’t believe I missed the bus on the very first day.

“Patrick is that you?” my mom walks into the room, “Hey...” she glances at the clock, “You got home a little late. Lots of bus stops?”

I shake my head, “Missed the bus.”

“Oh Patrick..” she sits beside me on the couch, “Why didn’t you just call me?”

I shrug, “Didn’t want to bother you. Are..Are we having dinner here?”

My mom smiles and shakes her head, “No, I just got a call from Dale, she and her son want us over.”

“Just got a call?” I look down at the note suspiciously, “As in...after Pete had enough time to go home and plant the idea in her head?”

My mom raises an eyebrow and puts an arm around my shoulders, “Pete?”

“Pete’s her son. Who she told to be nice to me, who whined about it to his friends. One of his friends, Mary, decided to be up front about it. But..then he put this in my locker...” I hand her the note.

She reads over it and smiles softly, “He pays a lot of attention to detail...” she raises an eyebrow, “Hmm.. well, I’ll leave it up to you. Do you want to go?”

I bite my lip and nod, “I..guess so...”

She smiles and nods, “Alright let me call her back.” she leaves the room.

My mom knocks on the door, and is almost knocked over by a shorter woman with dark hair giving her a hug. I walk inside after them,looking down at my shoes. I look up when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Mom, do you mind if Patrick and I go to my room until dinner’s ready?” Pete smiles.

“Go ahead.” She smiles back before continuing to chat away with my mother.

“C’mon..” He leads me upstairs to his bedroom and sits on his bed, “You can sit...”

I sit down slowly and look over at him.

“I’m really sorry about lunch.” he frowns, “You looked really upset.”

I shrug a shoulder, “I was... you also made me miss the bus.”

“What? How?” he tilts his head.

“This..” I hand him the note, “I um, decided to read it and missed the bus.”

“I’m sorry about that... but you’re here. I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”

“Why were you afraid? Pete, you have plenty of friends. One less person won’t hurt you.”

“It isn’t me I’m worried about.” he scoots closer, “You need a friend, and I’m a good friend, ‘Trick.”

“Why do you care about someone you don’t even know?” I look up at him curiously, “If our parents hadn’t known each other you would have ignored me today just like everyone else.”

“Maybe so... but I’m glad I didn’t.” he pulls me into a hug.

My body tenses as he rests his head on my shoulder. After a moment, I hug him back, letting out a small content sigh.

He lets go and smiles at me, “How do you feel?”

“I..” look at him, confused, “Better...”

“Hugs are magical.” Pete nods, “And you seemed to really need one.” he smiles, “Your eyes are already lightening up.”

I blush lightly, “What?”

“The color..” he leans in to look closer, “They were a dark green earlier...and now they’re blue.”

I look down shyly, “You really do pay attention to detail...”

“Hmm?” he places his hand on my shoulder again.

“Oh um, that’s what my mom said when I showed her the note.” I look back up to him, noticing a light blush.

“You showed that to your mom?” his eyes widen.

I raise an eyebrow, “Should I not have?”

He chuckles softly, “Well just, most kids don’t show their mom notes they get from friends at school.”

“They don’t?” I tilt my head.

“Well no, because usually what’s in a note is personal.” He nods.

“Oh I’m sorry... I’ve never gotten a note before...and didn’t realize it was personal.”

“I-It’s not.” he blushes a bit more, “Just uh..nothing.”

“Well I won’t show her another, if that makes you feel better, Pete.” I glance at his hand, still on my shoulder.

“That... That’d be good.” he nods.

I look at him, confused, “Did I miss something?”

He smiles and shakes his head, “Not a thing.”

“Okay... then why do you look so embarrassed?” I look over the note, “Is it because my mom knows that your mom wanted you to be nice to me?”

“That’s...That’s it Patrick.” he gently rubs my shoulder before dropping his hand, “Could I ask you something?”

“Sure, go ahead.” I try not to frown at how cold my shoulder feels suddenly.

“Why did you move here? My mom wouldn’t tell me details, all I know is something happened. I understand completely if you aren’t comfortable talking-”

“I tried to kill myself.” I say simply.

“-about it..” his face has no expression at first, as if he’s trying to process the information, but then he frowns, “Oh Patrick...” he hugs me again, almost knocking the both of us off the bed.

“It’s okay..” I rub his back gently.

He hugs me tighter, “D-Don’t you dare comfort me. You should be the one upset!” he sniffles and buries his face in my shoulder.

“I-I’m not really...but why are you?” I frown and hug him tightly.

“Because.” he pulls back and quickly wipes his eyes, “First, tell no one you’ve seen me cry. Second, I... I just can’t imagine not meeting you. I know this is silly, but I just feel something pulling me towards you. I think we’re meant to be friends, and just the thought that someone as sweet and nice as you tried to do something like that.. the fact that you felt it was your last resort...It’s hard to take in.”

“I-I just didn’t want to live anymore...”

“What about now?” he pulls my hands into his, “Because I will not lose you before this friendship has even begun.”

I blush lightly, “You don’t have to worry, Pete. It was... I was in a bad place. I think.. I think I’m okay now.”

He hugs me tightly, “If you ever need to talk, I’m here, okay? I will never make you feel weak for the way you feel.”

I nod and bite my lip, “I-I’ll talk to you then.”

“Boys!” both of our mothers call from downstairs.
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