Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > High School Love Birds

Meeting in high school

by letters 0 reviews

Yay my second story! Read and review!

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Characters: Amy Rose, Cream, Knuckles, Miles "Tails" Prower, Rouge, Shadow, Sonic - Published: 2006-07-14 - Updated: 2006-07-14 - 363 words

Ha! Sonic your so funny! Amy laughed holding on to Sonics arm. Ya, whatever. Sonic said looking down. Amy look! A couple sign up sheet! Sonic said pointing no where. Where!? Amy said letting go of Sonic. Over there! Sonic zoomed away. Sonic I don't see- Amy put her hands on her hips. Uh! He got away! Just face it Amy. Cream said walking up to Amy. He doesn't like you. Or does he? Amy said putting a finger on her chin. I'm going under cover. Amy said pulling a magnifieing glass out of her back pack. Wanna help? She said looking at Cream. No thanks. She said shaking her head. Suit your-self. Amy said shrugging. Bye. Cream said waving. Knuckles walked up to Sonic. Hey Sonic. Knuckles said. Hey. He responded in a gloomish tone. What's up with you? Knuckles said looking at Sonic. You didn't tell her did you? Knuckles asked worried. I don't know how. Sonic said looking up. Just tell her that you like her it's no big deal. Thar's just it Knuckles! It is a big deal! I mean look at you! You have it so easy! You don't like anyone! True. So very true. Knuckles said glancing at the ceiling. Sonic, come on. We started high school 2 years ago! Someone else is bound to like you! I guess your right. I just need to take it easy. Thanks Knuckles. Sonic said starting to walk away. Hey what are friends for. Knuckles said shrugging. It was true Knuckles didn't like anyone. But it wouldn't take long for him to meet that special someone.
Hey Amy wait up! Sonic said running up to her. Amy took one look at Sonic and dissed him. Go away! Amy said rummiging through her locker. Huh? Sonic said confused. Uh Amy, it's me Sonic. Amy started to walk away. Amy! It's Sonic the one you chase! The one you love! Sonc said following. Uh, I think you did your prununciation wrong. First, Ya it's you! Second the one I used to chase! And third the one I used to love! Amy ran off leaving Sonic alone and cofused in his own little world.
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