Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Killjoys rewritten

Chapter 1

by Killjoyechelon1 0 reviews

Is she all she seems?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-02 - 704 words

“Kat! Get your arse out of bed, its time for school!” Joanne shouted at me, her voice somehow managing to invade my ears through layers of bedding. “Fuck off” I groaned sleepily. I hate school. And we're moving to America today, joy of joys, so I really did not see why I was being made to go.
“No, I will not fuck off, young lady, get up and out of bed.” She sounded serious, but I knew she was only joking. Joanne is my best friend, as well as my legal guardian. My parents died in a car crash when I was 11. Joanne adopted me as her daughter, and has taken care of me since. “Yes ma'am. I am getting up” I said, throwing the quilt away from my face, to see her peering down at me.
Perhaps I should describe her for you. Well, she is nothing like what you would expect a mother to look like, really. Joanne is 43, though she really doesn't look it! She has naturally jet black hair, down to her collar bones, with no grey showing, thank you very much! Piercing blue eyes, and really pale skin, which she accentuates with blood red lipstick. She dresses like a woman half her age, in skin tight jeans, and tank tops, and pulls it off really well. When people find out that she is my adoptive mother, they are literally shocked speechless. We look like sisters, except I have red hair, and grey eyes. But the same pale skin. Hey, we are British, what do you expect?
Anyway, back to the present. I got out of bed, heading for the bathroom, and, satisfied I was not going to go back to sleep, Joanne went to put some coffee on. I showered, dried my hair, and dressed. I did not have to wear my schools shitty uniform for once, so I went with jeans, a plain black t-shirt and a hoodie. “Shit, I'm gonna be late!” I heard Joanne cursing. She is going to finalise the sale of the house today, and hand the keys over to the new owners. “Hurr – Oh your ready, good, come on!” She practically screamed at me, as I hurried down stairs and out the front door.

“Right, i'll pick you up at two, so make sure your out here, not smoking in the girls toilets or something, okay?”
“Okay, okay. Though I STILL don't see why I have to be here!” I muttered under my breath as I climbed out of the car. “So your friends can say goodbye.” Joanne replied matter of factly as I flicked the V's at her, slamming the door in reply. I do not have any friends. I am a total reject, and always have been. And from what I have heard, that was not going to change in the states, either.

I trudged up the stone steps into school, and headed for my form room, ignoring the dirty looks from other students along the way. “Hey Kat, how are you today? Looking forward to your flight later?” My tutor asked.
“Not really” I sighed. I liked my tutor, she was cool, and did not judge me the way my other teachers did. I used to skip classes and sit with her, and just chat about stuff once in a while. She frowned sympathetically.

Since I didn't need to be in my classes today, I spent most of my time in the library, reading. I love to read, which probably sounds dull, and 'nerdy', but the adventures you can have are amazing. Books can take you anywhere you want to go, if you let them. And I can also relate to a lot of the characters feelings, and experiences. This is another reason people do not like me. It also explains why I speak somewhat formally, and not like a teenager should.

After lunch I had to attend a little 'goodbye' party, which was a complete waste of time, since no-one, including myself, wanted to be there. A few people said a half hearted 'see ya' but that was about it. Then FINALLY it was time to get out of this hell hole, and head to another across the ocean.
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