Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ghosts In The Walls


by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

"You learn by doing. You memorize by doing it often."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-03 - 840 words

I will never, ever hear the end of that day. Not for as long as she breathes.

"What are we doing El?" I asked as she pulled me into a small, dusty shop. It smelt like a garden and dirt.

"Don't ask stupid questions." she bopped my forehead with a folded piece of paper. "There's a reason for everything I do, and this is no different."

"So then what are we doing, if you have such a good reason?" She laughed and waved at the girl behind the counter.

"You're going to make a blessing oil. Now, gather what you need." she let go of my hand and waved around the store.

"How do I know what I need?" I asked her. She just smiled and pushed me forward.

"Trust yourself. Your little man will let you know." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I felt the room come to life around me, like there were suddenly tons of people even though it was just me, El and the counter girl. Trust yourself. Easy for her to say.

Okay, little man, show me what I need. I said to myself. The crowd faded and in my mind, I saw a picture of the room.

There were little spots of light shining in the open racks. I opened my eyes and looked around. There were no little lights.

I blinked and the picture in my mind came back for a second, like a slide over another and I saw where I needed to go. El put a basket in my hand before I set my path.

After I cleared through the lights, I stood by El again. She looked into the basket and smiled. "Good job." She patted my shoulder. "You trusted yourself and your man."

I blushed. She took it up to the girl to check it all out. After a minute or two, she was back next to me.

"Now, we go to my house so you can start making the oil." She smiled took my hand and led me back out to her car, the white bag hanging at the crease in her elbow.

She climbed in and unlocked the door for me. I got in and she handed me the bag to hold. "I've never been to your house." I said, ducking my head.

It was true. In the month she's been helping me, not once have I seen her house. I was excited, I guess?

And nervous. I didn't know what to expect. What if she had a freaky roommate or a giant dog that was going to eat me or something my min can't even think of.

When we rolled to a stop, I took a deep breath and looked out the window. We were parked along a curb, my side facing the house.

It was big and nice, with a white picket fence wrapping the large, green lawn. It had white walls and a red brick porch, a little window and a peak on the red roof.

It looked old. Like old old. I got out of the car and stepped onto the curb next to a huge willow tree.

"Wow." I breathed. She laughed as I heard the other car door shut.

"It's home. I got it from a nice old lady who wanted to move out after her husband passed. She doesn't even charge me rent." she smiled and opened the gate for me. "She just had all the bills put in my name." she started up the path.

"Why?" I asked. She just smiled back at me and waved me forward with her open hand. I joined her on the porch. She stuck a key into the knob and turned it, making the door swing open.

I stared at it. "Trick knob. And she doesn't have any kids. I used to have sessions with her about how to bless her house and how to keep in touch with the spirits. And she just gave me a house, I guess. I wouldn't ever charge her. She told me she was going to leave it to me in her will." she bit her lip.

"well, come on in." she waved her hand for me to enter the dark room. I took a step in and felt like I belonged.

Sorry I had to keep it short. But I have some crap I have to take care of tonight.

Oh! Before I forget, my friend JUST got on YouTube and made one of the best Harlem Shake videos I've seen. And I saw the one on the plane.

So if you wanna check it out, here it is. He only has one video up so far, but I'm sure he'll have more.

He's really funny, so his videos to come should be good. So subscribe and all that good stuff and R+R on this and I will see you guys later.

Hugs and Ninjas,
PS The Game
That is all
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