Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Always Rain.

Always Rain.

by frankisnotonfire 2 reviews

Just my perception of things.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-03 - 137 words - Complete

When there's sunshine, there's less tears.
Less heartache.
It makes you want to try and be happy.
It makes you think that if such a beautiful day can come a few mere days after that horrendous storm, then surely your life can get better.
It makes you want to try and change things.

But then there comes rain. And with rain brings your knife back.
The familiar feel of the blade on your skin.
The familiar taste of the pills and booze on your tongue.
That feeling of hopelessness as you realise there's nothing left to keep you around.
The dark thoughts of suicide.
The throbbing heartache when you realise nobody is there for you.
The everlasting loneliness.
And of course, let us not forget the many tears.

My life is filled with rain. Always rain.
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