Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give 'Em Hell Kid

Pick Up The Phone

by MichiamoNicola 1 review

"Hey this is Cara, leave a message after the beep."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-03-10 - 191 words


"Beeeep. Cara, it's Dean. Not sure why you aren't picking up your phone right now but call me when you get this message okay? I miss you."

"Beeeep. Cara, please pick up your phone or else I'll be forced to come and kidnap you!"

"Beeeep. Okay, I know you're mad that my mom wouldn't let you stay over last night but I think you're being a little bit silly. Just pick up your phone and talk to me."

"Beeeep. Cara, stop being so ridiculous. This is extremely childish of you. I'm coming around right now."

"Beeeep. I am outside your house, knocking on your door. I know you're in there and that you can hear me. Come out and see me or else we're through."

"Beeeep. You know what? Fuck you. I have feelings for you and right now you're making me feel like an idiot for ever liking you and trusting you with those feelings. We're done. I don't want to see you again."

"Beeeep. I'm scared. There's a news bulletin talking about some girl that has runaway in the area. The way they're saying it, it sounds like you."
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