Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A diary again?


by cj_warner94 11 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-03-10 - 160 words

Hey guys,

So right now I honestly want to cry, it's Mother's Day and I miss my mum so fucking much it's like a brick to my face. Seriously, I wish I could just hug the woman.

Anyways, it's ten days till I get my iPhone back, and it will be my 16th birthday :) I'm getting so much merch it's ridiculous....

M also kinda pissed about the whole shipping thing, like I get it, I think that Gerard is an amazing person, but I don't ship myself with him constantly, I'd rather he be with frank or something. People have left this site because of shit like this.

Another thing is the bitchyness on here. Like seriously, if your going to bitch about someone have the balls to say it to their (virtual) face. I'd rather if you have a problem with me that you tell me, not someone else, ya know?

I'm really tired of this shit,


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