Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Tales Under The Milky Twilight

by ScreamingNinja93 0 reviews

Frank tempts Gerard into telling a ghost story while out on a camping trip. But what will the consequences be? (Frank/Bob)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-03-11 - Updated: 2013-04-03 - 6395 words - Complete

Hi guys! I hope you are all well and those of you living in the UK haven't got frostbite in this ridiculous weather!
Anyway, after I finished writing Calm Before The Storm, I decided that I would take a small break before doing anymore writing. This is my first attempt at writing a Frob (Frank/Bob) one-shot and I've kind of based the ghost story that is told, off a dream that I had a while ago, but I changed it a little. I hope you guys like it! It took me a while to be able to word it right


It’s a cool, cold October evening. A chilling breeze blows, weaving its way through the trees and branches, the leaves rustling and waving in the breeze, one breaking free from its hold and floating elegantly down onto the forest floor. The stars twinkle brightly amongst the midnight blue sky, playing peek-a-boo behind the clouds that drift carelessly across the sky. The moon illuminates the forest, its rays breaking through the branches, casting long, spindly shadows. An owl calls out into the night, its sweet hoot echoing out into the night. Crickets chirp and chatter away to one another. A small hedgehog forages through the foliage, searching for a tasty midnight snack; a fox hides itself amongst the bushes, its yellow eyes watching the small hedgehog, waiting

Further into the forest, a bright glow emits from a small clearing; a campfire. It burns steadily, the flames dancing elegantly as the wood cracks and crackles. Tendrils of white smoke rise steadily up into the air, swirling and twirling around in the breeze. Five teenage friends, sit huddled around the campfire, seeking its warmth. Each of them cradles a stick that bares a sickly sweet marshmallow that bubbles away, the surface charred. A blanket of silence sits peacefully among the five friends, but that isn’t to last long

Bob’s POV

“Hey Gerard?”

I draw my eyes away from my roasting marshmallow and over to the smallest member of our group; Frank. He sits, perched on a small log, a small smirk sits on his mouth, while a cheeky glint reflects in his hazel orbs. He pulls his marshmallow away from the fire. He’s up to no good, in fact, he’s always up to no good. Always pulling pranks on unsuspecting victims, with me being a regular victim

“Hmmm?” Gerard hummed in response, not once taking his eyes off his marshmallow

“Tell us a ghost story,” Frank said simply, plucking his marshmallow off his stick, before shoving it one, into his mouth. A ghost story? I raise an eyebrow, as Gerard takes his gaze off his marshmallow to glance at Frank

“Why?” Gerard asks, looking back at his marshmallow. Frank takes a moment to swallow

“Because we’re out in a forest and I like it when you tell ghost stories,” Frank grins at him, dropping his stick

“Hmm . . . . maybe,” Gerard replies as he pulls his stick back away from the fire. I shake my head as Frank sits and pouts at Gerard; although Frank is annoying, he is adorable when he pouts

“Please?” Frank begs, clasping his hands together and leaning closer to Gerard. Gerard remains silent, as he tucks into his roasted marshmallow

“Yeah, a ghost story would be good,” Mikey, Gerard’s younger brother agrees. He pushes his glasses back up his nose, looking expectantly at Gerard

“Hey Bob, your marshmallow’s on fire,” Ray speaks up. I glance down, and sure enough, my marshmallow is spontaneously combusting

“Shit,” I curse, pulling it away from the fire. Ray’s afro bounces, and he laughs. I scowl at him as I blow the fire out, hearing Frank’s girlish giggle, and Mikey and Gerard’s chuckling. I grimace at the charred black marshmallow and toss the stick away

“I don’t know Frank, I wouldn’t want to scare you all,” Gerard finally says, as he stops chuckling, glancing back at Frank and then around at the rest of us

“Please Gerard? Please, please, please, please, PLEASE????” Frank begged, scrambling closer to Gerard, taking hold on the front of his jacket

“Frank,” Gerard chuckles

“Pretty please Gerard?” Frank pouted again, his eyes huge, sad and puppy like. How anyone can resist that look is beyond me

“Frank,” Gerard began, trying to shuffle backwards, but to no avail as Frank followed

“You know he won’t give up Gerard,” Mikey laughs, pushing his glasses back up his nose again

“Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaassssseeee?” Frank asks again, leaning further into Gerard. I laugh as Gerard topples backwards off the log he is sat on, and Frank squeaks in surprise

“Alright! Alright I’ll tell you a fucking ghost story! Just get the fuck off me!” Gerard cries out.

Frank cries out with joy as he scrambles away from Gerard and resumes his spot, back on his log, a smug, shit-eating grin plastered to his face. Gerard sits back up, glaring at Frank, as he picks leaves out of his raven locks

“Ok, so you want a ghost story, huh?” Gerard asked, eyebrow raised as his gaze landed on each and every one of us. Frank nodded his head eagerly as he sat forward on his log. I have to admit, Gerard does tell a really good ghost story

“Ok then, ladies, but just remember, if you have nightmares or get scared, he,” Gerard said, pointing at Frank, “Asked for a story.”

Gerard cleared his throat, and pushed his hair out of his face, before he smirked a little

“The tale starts, in a forest, much like this one,” Gerard looked around, waving his hands a little

“Except, most of the trees are dead; lifeless and bare, the branches twisted and long, much like tentacles. The sky is an angry orange, icy bullet’s of rain, falls from the sky, exploding as they cascade down onto the ground. The sky illuminates with a crack of lightning, the thunder rumbling long and loud, like an enraged lion. A small child, in the middle of a forest during a thunderstorm, cold, wet, alone; frightened, the child calls out, her voice drowned out by the thunder. So frightened, and so alone.”

“Tears run down her face, mixing with the ice cold rain that falls around her. Her choked sobs go unheard as she begins to wander forwards; her foot comes into contact with something hard. Stopping and looking down, she spots what she kicked; a torch. All alone in the forest, in the darkness, a torch lays on the sodden ground.

A torch? Maybe there’s someone here, she thinks.

Hand trembling, she bends down and collects the torch, the metal cold in her hand. The torch flickers as she switches it on, as it casts a dim glow. Another crack of lightning, the girl whimpers and dashes forward, further into the forest.”

Mikey shifts in his spot, his marshmallow forgotten as he stares intently at his brother

“She stumbles through the forest, tripping over tree roots, the rain never relenting once. The sky growls again with thunder, as she wanders through the trees. Her fearful eyes catch sight of something in the torch light; she pauses and turns slightly. A piece of paper. Walking closer, scrawled in black ink were the words, “Let’s play a game,” frightened, the girl turns on the spot, shining the torch into the never ending darkness of the forest.

I just want to go home, the girl thinks, tears blurring her vision.

A crack of thunder rumbles out, shaking her to her very core. The girl looks back around at the note, only to stumble backwards in shock, tripping over her own feet and landing in the mud.”

“The words are gone, replaced with new ones. The black ink swirls as it forms new words; “Better start running.” Lightning illuminates the forest and the girl’s heart stops for a second as she spots something else; hidden amongst the trees further into the forest, a figure stands, watching. But as the lightning fades, so does the figure. Gripped by terror, the girl rushes to her feet, and runs in a blind panic through the forest, away from the note. She never stops running. Twigs and bushes snag at her clothing as she runs, over hanging branches whip at her face, leaving cuts, small trickles of blood running down her cheeks.”

Gerard pauses for a second, as Frank shifts and fidgets in his spot

“Scared yet Frankie?” Gerard asks smirking

“No,” Frank says, crossing his arms across his chest. Gerard chuckles, shaking his head, and mutters something that sounds like, ‘liar’ before he looks away

“Her legs ache, tired and heavy from running, but she can’t help the feeling that she is being followed. Her lungs feel like they’re on fire, each breath she takes burns. Her vision is hazy and blurs, a dull throb wraps itself around her head, the ache burning deep

I must keep running, she thinks. So scared and alone.

Running blind her foot finally catches on a root. The torch flies from her hand, as it flickers and lands with a dull thump. The girl falls and lands with a heavy thud. The rain falls as she lies there, unmoving; the dull ache in her head grows stronger. Her body groans and protests as she tries to move

I just want to go home . . . . mommy? Where are you mommy?

Tears fall from her eyes, as paranoia washes over her body; the feeling of being watched, being followed; hunted down like an animal

Why me?

Ray looks over his shoulder and I can’t help but to look too; nothing. I shudder slightly as I look back around at Gerard

“She see’s it, in the corner of her eyes; vision blurred, and the blackness flicking in the corners of her eyes. The ache in her head gets worse, like a rubber band has been wrapped around her head and its getting tighter. She cries out and curls up into a ball, gripping her head tightly.

I’m coming for you, the wind whispers as it blows through the trees, shaking the branches violently.

The girl cries out in fear, screaming and crying; crying for her mom; crying for her dad to come save her

Daddy help me! Save me from this monster!

She looks up, as the lightning illuminates the sky again and there it is, hidden amongst the trees still, but closer this time. A dark figure, but face white as snow. But as soon as she blinks it’s gone; vanished.”

"I’m coming for you, the wind whispers again.

The girl finally, with much protest, sits up, stomach churning.

It’s only a dream; mommy will come save me and so will daddy . . . . they always do

The girl’s whole being freezes as her heart stops. Was that laughter? She thinks as the thunder continues to rumble. Heartbeat erratic, breathing uneven

Sick . . . I’m going to be sick

The girl rushes up to her feet as the bile rises in her throat, doubling over, before spilling out, mixing with the mud and the rain. Her head spins more, the dizziness of getting up so quick. The blackness grows more in the corner of her eyes as an unbearable ringing echoes through her ears. Reaching blindly, she takes hold of the torch.

I want my mommy. MOMMY!

The girl screams more, before she stands up properly. The lightning flashes, as the paranoia grows. She catches sight of it again, hidden, but closer.”

“She takes off again, her legs feel numb, and she stumbles, tripping over her own feet as she continues to run blindly. The torch flickers every now and then, the pain growing stronger with each passing second. Her heart fights against her ribcage, desperate to burst free from its confines. Her breathing unsteady, choking on lungful’s of air as she tries to run. Her whole body trembles still in the cold and the fear. And then, in her vision, she captures sight of something ahead of her; an old bunker. Her heart flutters for a second with hope, as she dashes forward. With the little strength she has, she pulls open the door, stumbling inside and pulling the door closed behind her, with a loud clank.”

Frank shuffles closer to Gerard, eyes wide like a small innocent child and I fidget in my spot, feeling the goose bumps that have risen on my skin; I peer back over my shoulder, only to look away again

“The rain and thunder can still be heard outside, as her footsteps echo throughout the bunker. She whimpers as she walks, the sickness swirling still, her head still growing ever worse. The torch flickers once, and the girl continues to walk forward. Her legs now feel like lead, every inch of her body aching non-stop. The torch light reflects off another piece of lone paper, stuck to the wall. The girl pauses in front of the paper, swaying a little on the spot, as the ringing grows once again. But before she can even look at the note, she hears something; foot-”

We all jump simultaneously at the sound of rustling

“What was that?” Mikey whispers, eyes darting around all the while shuffling closer to his brother

“It’s just a badger,” Ray speaks as I let out a shuddery breath. Sure enough, as I glance around, I spot the head of a badger poking through a bush, staring at us intently, before it scurries away. After a moment, Gerard clears his throat

“Anyway, where was I . . . . ah yes, I remember! Footsteps; the sound of footsteps, echoes quietly off the walls of the bunker.

No, the girl whimpers. Impossible – I didn’t hear the door open. It can’t be here . . . . no no no no no!

She glances at the note, and read, though her eyes are unfocused; “You can’t hide ~ I’m coming for you.” The girl cries out as she turns around and shines the torch that flickers violently. The bile rises in her throat again and threatens to spill. Her eyes widen, frozen to the spot with fear. Around the corner, an out stretched arm, reaches towards her, the fingers long, white and spindly, but a darkness stretches further, like an octopus’s tentacles, curling and reaching out towards her, the darkness closing in, clouding her mind and her thoughts.

NO! The girl cries out, stumbling back, managing to find her feet and run; run with whatever strength she had left, feeling the darkness close in.”

Gerard pauses for a second and leans forward, his eyes staring at each and everyone one of us before speaking again

“Dropping the torch, that still flickers violently, she runs blindly, into the darkness of the bunker

Leave me alone! PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!

The girl’s hand gropes out ahead of her, finally landing on another door handle. Throwing her weight against it, the door gives and opens and she tumbles out, landing in the muddy puddles, the rain still as cold as ever. Glancing behind her, the figure comes closer, the darkness coming ever closer.


Getting to her feet, she runs again. Her cries are hysterical as she runs blind, the pain in her head unbearable, her heart beats frantically. Weak and tired, her legs give out and she falls to a heap on the ground, desperate cries and pleas for help. She can no longer feel her legs, as her body trembles and shakes in fear. To girl lifts her head as her heart feels about ready to give out

Mommy . . . why won’t you help me?

There it stands, tall and mighty in the darkness, it’s white hand out stretched still. With the little energy she has, she manages to scramble backwards, backing into one of the many trees, as the creature advances closer

Daddy . . . why didn’t you save me?

“And as the girl, finally looks up, and her gaze falls upon its face; its white face is scarred. Where the eyes should be, lay sunken sockets, covered by a thin layer of skin. The creature has no nose, and no nostrils, but it’s mouth . . . . its mouth sewn shut by threads of flesh.

I win, a voice whispers above the thunder

The girls eyes widen as she struggles to stay focused the haziness and fuzziness growing, as the ringing becomes persistent. The pain in her head is white hot, her body numb, paralyzed by fear

Please . . . no . . . I-I just want to go home, the girl manages to speak

But is only met by a cruel, cold-hearted, bone chilling laugh. Silent tears fall from the girls eyes, as she struggles for air. The hand comes closer and closer, along with the black darkness

I win – your soul is mine

The creature’s face stretches as it smiles, a wicked, merciless smile, as the same cruel laughter drowns out the sound of the thunder. The girl opens her mouth to scream but no sound comes out as the very tip of a white finger, touches the girls cheek. The girl struggles as a suffocating wind whips around her, sucking all of the oxygen out of the air and out of her lungs. She struggles and gasps out for air, as the darkness swoops in, swirling and descending down. Down and consuming the girl; the girl panics more as she feels herself slipping away, as she drowns into the darkness, that swamps her vision, and consumes her being.

Why? Is the last thought that drifts through her mind, as she feels the last beat of her heart before it finally stops. With one last shuddering breath, the girl slips away, into the blackness, her body lifeless and limp. As she lays motionless, her eyes remain open, dull and dead as she stares into the stormy night.”

Gerard stops for a second

“The figure retreats, back into the forest, and with a flicker of lightning, it’s gone; vanished. Hidden back in the shadows, waiting . . . . waiting in the darkness, until it finds its next victim. And when it does find its next victim-”

AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I jump violently, my heart leaping up into my throat and scream myself as a high-pitched girl like scream fills the air. I hear the other’s shout in surprise as I spot Frank scrambling backwards and Gerard staring wide-eyed at him

SPIDER!” Frank screeches, before he dives off his perch

“Spi-OFF!” the air is knocked out of me and back hits the forest floor, as Frank bundles onto me, trembling and shaking and I instinctively wrap my arms around him

“Jesus Christ Frank!” Mikey stutters out as I hear Gerard burst into laughter. Frank’s hand grab handful’s of my hoody

“You nearly gave me a fucking heartache,” Ray seethes, while Gerard still laughs hysterically

“Fucking get rid of it!” Frank cried out

“Oh my god Frank . . . . it’s a spider! It’s not going to hurt you,” Gerard chokes out

“I’m not too fond of spiders myself, but could PLEASE get rid of it! The midget is suffocating me!” I call out, as Frank clings to me with a death like grip

“Alright! Alight!” Gerard laughs. Moving my arms and with a heave, I manage to sit up a little, Frank letting me out of his death grip. He sits up and trembles, fear swirling around his eyes, as he watches Gerard gather the spider up, before getting to his feet and walking over to a tree

“You really need to get over your fear of spiders Frank,” Ray said, shaking his head a little

“Yeah, you do,” Mikey agreed, “And so do you Bob.”

“Hey! At least I didn’t scream like a girl!” I protested, crossing my arms over my chest

“No, but you did still scream though,” Mikey smirked as Gerard sat back down

“So, was that story scary enough for you Frankie?” Gerard asked. But Frank remains quiet, eyes still wide and fearful like a lost child; poor guy

“It was creepy! I do sometimes wonder about what thoughts are in your head Gerard,” Ray spoke up. Gerard laughed and shook his head

“Nothing wrong with my head,” He grinned, “Besides, I read somewhere that the creature is real or something, somewhere in Germany, I don’t know.”

Real?? Well that’s nice to know! Now I probably won’t sleep

“I highly doubt that Gerard,” Mikey speaks, though his tone is uncertain, “And surely by now Ray, you’d know my brother isn’t quite right in the head when you look at his room,” Mikey said. Ray nodded his head and so did I. Gerard’s room is kind of dark, and so is his art work

“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to hit the hay,” Gerard said, as he stood up and stretched

“Me too,” Ray agreed, also getting up and stretching. I glanced at Frank, who still hadn’t moved, his eyes now focused on the campfire

“See you in the morning,” Gerard said turning towards his tent, as Ray crossed to his own

“That’s if the creature doesn’t get you,” Gerard chuckled, before he disappeared into his tent, zipping it shut

“Hey Frank?” Mikey called, as he got up and moved closer. Frank’s gaze flicked to Mikey

“Are you ok?”

“’m fine,” Frank mumbled, glancing at me, before looking back at the campfire

“That story didn’t scare you, did it?” Mikey asked

“No,” Frank protested, looking away from the campfire again and staring at Mikey. But his face told a different story. Mikey chuckled. Frank huffed out at Mikey, before turning his gaze onto me

“Sorry Bob, I didn’t mean to, you know, jump you like that.”

“Its fine,” I say waving a hand dismissively, though my cheeks warmed. Frank smiles again, before he gets up

“And I’m not a midget,” Frank speaks as he begins to head towards his own tent

“You so are Frank!” Mikey calls out

“Am not! I’m just fun-sized!” Frank claims as he crawls into his tent. Mikey laughs as I shake my head, grinning slightly

“Night Bob,” Mikey smiles as he then retreats into his tent


I sit alone by the campfire, hearing movements coming from the four occupied tents, the odd profanity being muttered here and there before all falls quiet. That story chilling; probably the best one Gerard has told yet. I glance around behind me as the wind blows gently, an owl still calling away into the night somewhere in the forest. Darkness. Surely that creature can’t be real . . . . can it? I mean, I know I kind of believe in ghosts, but would there really be such a creature like that in this world? I shudder at the thought of something sucking the life out of me. I jump as I hear a noise come from one of the tents

Fuck this, I’m going to bed, at least I’ll be safe in my tent. Hauling myself up off the ground, I stretch, feeling my shoulders crack, before turning and heading towards my own tent. Crawling inside and zipping the entrance up behind me, I grab for my back pack and begin rummaging around, searching the contents for the pair of sweats that I shoved in here earlier in the day. Finding them, and yanking them out, I kick off my shoes off, closely followed by my jeans and pull my sweats up, keeping my socks on. I shimmy my way into my sleeping bag, just as I feel the cold air start nip at my nose and face


I roll onto my side, pulling my sleeping bag right up to my chin as I listen out to the noises I hear outside. The fire is still crackling away. Crickets; bloody crickets, why do they have to be so noisy! I sigh and close my eyes tightly and will myself to fall asleep. But thoughts and images of Gerard’s story creep into my mind; creepy white fingers stretching out; reaching, closer and closer. Never ending blackness. I shudder and roll over, curling up


Spiders; fucking spiders, such weird little things, why do they have to exist? They are so creepy, with their eight hairy legs – they move far too quick. I shudder at the thought of them as my skin crawls. I shake my head frustratedly and will sleep to take over.

Poor Frank; he looked so scared before going to bed. Though, I suppose he did bring it upon himself, with his insistent begging and whining for a story . . . . though it is kind of cute when he is like that. You can’t help but to smile when he does silly little things like that. Sighing, I sink further down in my sleeping bag, seeking its warmth, as my mind clears a little. But soon, more thoughts of that story begin to seep into my mind. How could anyone do that to a small child, even if children are annoying at times. I snap my eyes open and roll onto my back, sighing. I close my eyes again and will myself to sleep, but it’s no use. I turn over again and curl up as much as I can in my sleeping bag. I huff out and keep my eyes closed and relax a little. I smile slightly, as I feel myself begin to drift off, but soon jolt awake again

“You have got to be kidding me,” I groan out.

But my bladder disagrees, as that niggling feeling digs at me. I groan and roll back onto my back. I really don’t want to move and go out into the cold just to take a piss. I try and will the thought and feeling away, but it keeps niggling. I frustratedly kick my sleeping bag off, and pull my shoes back on, before reaching for my bag again and digging out my torch. It clicks to life, the light blinding a little. Unzipping the tent, the cold air hits me like a wave, making me shiver. I can hear light snoring coming from a tent, probably Ray’s tent, he always snores. I zip my tent back up, to keep any bugs out of it, and switch my torch on. I walk away from our little camp we have made, and into the forest a little, before picking a spot to do my business.

I turn my head a little as I hear rustling again; must be that badger that was around here earlier . . . . or a fox even, or maybe a hedgehog. I shake my head a little as I finish up, and turn around to head back in the direction I came from. I don’t understand how people could live out in the woods’; it’s so eerie and quiet. I peer around and look through the trees as I walk, seeing the small orange glow in the distance of our campfire


I freeze in my tracks, and turn a little, shining the torch through the trees. It’s just a fox. It’s just a fox. Wait; what if it’s a bear? No, it can’t be a bear, can it? I shine the torch a little more, and jump as I hear movement to my left. What if that creature is real? My torch light flickers a little, and before I know it, I’ve dropped the torch and I’m running; back towards the campfire. I stumble and trip over, landing in front of a tent. Not caring if it’s mine or not, I unzip it and dive inside, hearing a muffled yelp as I zip the entrance back up again. I wince as I feel a kick in my back and turn around to see a frantic Frank staring at me, wide-eyed, holding a torch

“The fuck are you doing?” Frank hissed a little, but soon relaxed seeing it was only me

“Frank! God, I’m sorry dude!” I whisper as I feel my cheeks heat up. Frank sits up a little

“What the hell are you doing?” Frank asks again, but this time it’s quieter

“I uh, I couldn’t sleep and then I had to go take a whizz,” I say rubbing the back of my neck a little as my heart calms down from its panicked state

“So what are you doing in my tent?” Frank asks, raising an eyebrow

“I uh . . . I uh heard something as I was walking back.”

“Heard something?”

“Yeah, it spooked me and I panicked, so I ran,” I said sheepishly. Frank chuckled

“You mean to say, you got scared? Big brave Bobbert, got frightened?” Frank asks smirking, his tone mocking

“So what if I’m scared?” I snap back as Frank laughs quietly

“I’m not the only one that’s scared,” I say, looking pointedly at him. The smirk drops from Frank’s face and he hangs his head

“Frank?” I ask tilting my head a little

“You’re right, I feel so stupid,” Frank mumbles


“Stupid that I got scared so easily like that,” Frank says looking up dejectedly, “It wasn’t just the spider that scared me.”

I nod my head in understanding as he looks down again

“You must think I’m a wimp, huh?”

“No, I don’t.” Frank looks back up, and I simply shrug, smiling a little

“We all get scared from time to time Frank, that story scared me too, and with you screaming didn’t help much either.” Frank giggled as I raised an eyebrow, but couldn’t help the small smile that crept up onto my face

“Sorry,” Frank mumbled

“Its fine,” I chuckle. We sat in silence for a moment

“I can’t sleep,” Frank said and I look back at him. A small blush has reached his cheeks

“Me neither,” I admitted. A small bashful smile settled on Frank’s face; adorable

“Stay with me?”


“Huh?” I asked confused

“Stay with me? I mean, only if you want to that is. But I’d feel safer if you stayed,” Frank mumbles, as his gaze drops to his lap

“Yeah,” the word left my mouth, before I had even thought of it

“Seriously?” Frank asked looking up.

My cheeks tingled; I nod my head. Frank smiles again, before he unzips his sleeping bag and manoeuvres it about, making it onto a blanket and settles under it. Frank looks at me expectantly as I kick my shoes back off and crawl over, and clamber under the blanket

Well, this is . . . . . awkward? I hear Frank sigh next to me as he turns his torch off, and lays still

“Hey Bob?” Frank whispers

“Yeah?” I feel Frank roll on his side next to me

“I’m sorry.” Sorry?

“What for?” I ask

“For being a complete ass to you at school.”


“No, I mean it. I’m sorry for being a complete ass, by pulling all those pranks on you.”

Oh . . .

“I uh, I only really did it, to try and get your attention.”

My attention? I roll onto my side to face Frank, even though I can’t see his face in the darkness of the tent

“Frank, your my friend, you know you can just talk to me.”

“I know,” Frank chuckled, but then fell silent

“That’s not what I meant.”


“I l-like you Bob, a lot more than just a friend, b-but I’ve just been too scared to say anything.” Frank sighs next to me again, the warmth of his breath tickling my face. Wait, he likes me? Something inside of me flutters, as I feel my cheeks warm again. I smile a little, though Frank can’t see it

“I’m sorry if I’ve freaked you out,” Frank mumbles and begins to turn away

“No Frank, wait,” I reach out blindly into the darkness and place my hand on his arm. Frank rolls back towards me

“Why me though?” I ask curiously. Frank is quiet for a moment

“I-I just feel safe around you, I mean, you’re like a giant teddy bear, I mean you don’t look it at times, but you are,” Frank giggles quietly as I feel my cheeks flare even more

“Really?” I ask, my voice going up an octave

“Yeah, really.” I smile into the darkness and guess that Frank is smiling too

“Thanks Frank, I guess I like you too,” I chuckle

“You guess?” Frank questions, sitting up a little

“Well, I’ve not really thought about it, well I have, I just, I don’t know,” I babble out

“Oh,” Frank sinks back down again

“What I mean is, even though you can be annoying at times,” I say, Frank giggles next to me, “I still care about you, probably more than I care about the others. You’re cute, just like a puppy.” I blush at the last part of my sentence as Frank giggles who sweet girlish giggle before going quiet

“I know what you mean,” Frank finally speaks, “That’s kind of how I feel about you.” Frank chuckles again and I can’t help but to laugh too

“Do you think maybe . . . . um . . I don’t know,” Frank stutters for words, before groaning slightly. I laugh as Frank playfully punches me in the shoulder

“Bob, do you think maybe, we could have a chance . . . you know . . . . . . together?”

My cheeks ache as a grin stretches across my face

“You mean, like dating?” I ask, the grin remaining on my face

“Yeah, yeah I guess,” Frank laughs a little

“Sure, I think we could give it ago,” I say, as the fluttering feeling, rises higher up into my chest. Frank says nothing, but giggles next to me, before shuffling closer and nuzzling his nose into my neck

“We better get some sleep,” Frank mumbles

“Yeah,” I say slowly wrapping my arms around Frank, while I feel one of his arms slither across my waist

“Night Bobbert,” Frank says, letting out a contented sigh

“Night Frankie-boy,” I say with a smile still on my face

Frank huffs out a sigh, and falls quiet, his breathing slowly begins to even out. I let my eyes slip shut, feeling my body relax, the extra warmth of Frank’s body heat to soothe me

“You really are a teddy bear,” Frank mumbles out quietly. I smile as I feel the welcoming embrace of sleep over come me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I jolt awake, Frank stirring also, his eyes fluttering and his grip tightening around my waist

“What Toro?” comes Gerard’s groggy and grumpy reply. The sound of a tent unzipping is heard

“Bob’s gone!” Ray’s frantic cry echoes out. Frank opens his eyes and sits up, his grip slipping from my waist as he rubs his eyes

“What do you mean, ‘Bob’s gone’?” comes Mikey’s reply

Frank perks up more; I smile at the sleepy expression on Frank’s face, remembering the discussion we’d had before falling asleep

“Exactly that! Bob’s gone! He’s not in his tent!” Ray’s tone is stern but frantic still. I chuckle as Frank slowly starts to smile, tuning in on the conversation

“Maybe he went for a piss or something,” Gerard suggested, though his tone was laced with concern

“Or maybe that, that ‘thing’ from your story came and took him in the night,” Mikey said, unsure

Frank giggles next to me, before scrambling forward and unzipping his tent as Gerard groans and sighs frustratedly

“What thing?” Frank asks as he pokes his head out of the tent. I crawl up next to Frank

“That ‘thing’ from Gerard’s story, you know that weird-ass creature,” Mikey said

“You don’t really believe in that do you?” I say, poking my head out next to Frank

“Bob?!” Ray states, staring at me, eyes wide. Frank laughs next to me, while Mikey lets out a squeak of surprise. Gerard raises both of his eyebrows, before a smirk slowly spreads across his face

“What are you doing in Frank’s tent?” Ray asks bewildered. I glance at Frank, who looks back expectantly, as pale shade of pink begins to grace his cheeks

“Spiders,” I simply say looking back at Ray

“Spiders?” Mikey questions, while Gerard just laughs

“Yeah, spiders,” Frank agrees, nodding his head next to me

Gerard shakes his head, and mumbles something that sounds like, ‘About fucking time’ before he climbs back into his tent and zips it shut again. Ray and Mikey remain quiet for a moment, before exchanging looks

“Whatever,” Mikey shakes his head before he glares at Ray and retreats back into his tent

“Just keep it down, whatever you two do,” Ray comments before he turns and heads back into his own tent

I look back at Frank, who’s smiling cheekily at me

“Well, I don’t know what Ray has on HIS mind, but I know what I have on my mind,” Frank smirks. I tilt my head questioningly, before he recedes back inside the tent. Before I have a chance to ask what he is up, I’m yanked backwards, landing with a soft thump back against the blanket, as Frank giggles and zips the entrance back up

“What are you-” I start to ask, chuckling nervously as my cheeks begin to warm again

“Relax!” Frank reassures as he collapses next to me, though I beg to differ; like I’ve said, he’s always up to no good


Well . . . . there you go. I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or if it is, complete crap, but that's my first attempt at Frob. I hope you guys do like it. Also, I am interested in taking in any suggestions for what to write next or any one-shot requests. You should be able to message me on here and ask, or just leave a reply on here and I'll answer to it
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