Categories > Original > Drama

Can't I Try This Again?

by BipolarUnicorn 1 review

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-12 - 409 words

"Hey, remember when I said I didn't self harm ever?" I spoke to the girl sitting next to me in nervous matter.

She raised an eyebrow looking up from her iPod and frowned, "Yeah why?"

I shifted in my seat breaking our eye contact looking down at my lap.

"Well I did, and I do still."

Glancing back at her reaction it showed pure hurt and a bit of guilt.

But it soon flashed back to anger, she stood and whisper-yelled, "Why the fuck didn't you tell me!?" It seemed more like statement then a question.

I flinched back and shook my head, my anger slowly growing.

"Because I didn't want to get hurt!" I raised my voice to the point where I was basically yelling.

She had a look of confusion on her face so I continued,

"I don't want to get fucking hurt," I said with a calmer voice, tears already welling up in my eyes. "Whenever I open up to people, they just end up leaving me. They always fucking leave! They leave hang out with different people then make fun of me and blackmail me cause they know my ducking secrets! They never helped me! I've been alone all my fucking life and I don't see it changing it anytime soon. It feels like nobody fucking understands me and when I open up to them they just know how to bring me down. So that's what they do. I don't see myself getting any better soon either. I didn't tell anyone cause I don't think anyone would understand." I finished with tears streaming down my face.

She laughed.

"Your pathetic you know that? Maybe it's good that your so called 'friends' do this. Kind of like what I'm doing right now. Your not strong or good enough to be in this world. Why don't you just kill yourself? Baby." I got up and run out of her room. I could hear her laughter up until I slammed the front door shut behind me.

Hoping I'd just wake up and this would be a nightmare, I walked home. Replaying the situation that just happened.

Realizing that this nightmare is truly my reality.

I did what I knew best.

Got a rope.
Tied a noose.
Hung it up.
Grabbed a chair.
Wrap it around my neck.
Kicked the chair.


-Erm something I wrote in lunch. Short, crappy. Just needed to get this out, I guess.-
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