Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Hogwarts Rose

When Rat was man

by PuckSilverbreeze 6 reviews

Scabbers .... PETER!!!!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover - Characters: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Other - Published: 2006-07-31 - Updated: 2006-07-31 - 3529 words

Hogwarts Rose

Year 1

Chapter 6 : When a Rat was Man

Puck Silverbreeze

General Disclaimer : This is a work of Fanfiction. No disrespect is made to the owners of the original works. Please do not sue me. I am not making any money from your property and am giving you free exposure. Author’s disclaimer : I have a bad habit of using these symbols as crutches in my writings. I am trying to learn not to use them. As I become a better writer I hope to never use them again. Summary: AU Ranma 1.5 crossover. Kodachi Kuno goes to Hogwarts. Lily as a Daughter of Hecate. An Ancient House returns. Harry and Kodachi as siblings. Full Pureblood status for both. A forgotten Secret of the Granger Line revealed. Pairing : Harry/Hermione (future though clearly foretold), Kodachi/Unknown though maybe one of the Weasley Twins or Ron.(Hogwarts)

Minerva McGonagall came running up the stairs of the Headmaster office as soon as the guardian moved aside. She slammed the door open, “Albus, What does this mean?” She thrust the magically updating class list for the year at the Headmaster with a deep frown.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore has been the HeadMaster of Hogwartz for over twenty years. He had known McGonagall since she was a talented student of Transfiguration back when he was the Professor. He had never seen her so upset even while she was his apprentice working toward her Mastery. “Minnie, calm down and tell me what happened? Did one of our children miss the train? Is there something wrong with Mr. Potter?”

Professor McGonagall stabs a name directly under Harry Potter’s on the list. “That’s the problem! How did two eleven year olds legally and magically binding get MARRIED?”

Dumbledore looked down at the list and smirked as he read, “Kodachi Hecate Potter.” He nodded his head, “I am not sure how the twins found each other. But in many ways I am relieved that Miss. Potter found her way to the train and even better found her twin brother.”

Professor McGonagall blinks and sputtered, “Brother? Twins? Lily had a daughter?” She stared at Albus, “What do you know old coot?”

Dumbledore looked up his eyes in full twinkle mode. “Kodachi was and is the only daughter of James and Lily Potter. The twin sister only minutes younger then our world’s beloved savior. James had some Japanese Noble blood in him and named her Kodachi, a type of Japanese short blade sometimes called a Merchant Blade or Lady’s Blade.” Dumbledore waited a moment to watch McGonagall calm down slightly

McGonagall sighed and forced herself to calm down. “So they really are brother and sister? I thought she was the Last of the Hecate Line?”

Albus smiled, “Lily Potter was not as muggleborn as we believed. She was the Last of the Hecate’s line and a daughter of the line of Black. Harry is by right the Lord Potter and Black. Since Sirus betrayed the Potters.” He shaked his head softly, “I can’t understand why he would betray James or his half sister.”

McGonagall fell back into a chair, eyes wide in shock. “How?”

Dumbledore sighed softly, “Her mother was the last of the Hecate, and a squib. As for Lily, Regent Black raped her mother during one of the black sabbat’s he frequented. There is only a few months between Sirus and Lily. Thought I am not sure how they found out. I know that they both knew they were half siblings. I also believe James found out while dating Lily.”

McGonagall nodded, the news saddened the Professor for she had loved Lily as her own. She couldn’t refute it. Sirus’s father was known for leading the raids to gain entertainment for the Black Sabbats many Dark Wizards joined in before Voldemort came into power after the fall of Grindelwald. “I understand, but how did Miss Potter get from England to Japan?”

Albus nodded sadly, “That is easy, Bellatrix Black.” He looked at his deputy, “She was there and kidnapped Kodachi after what happened to Voldemort.”

McGonagall blinked then nodded, “She escaped to Japan, Married that Kuno Lunatic then came back here five years ago to lead the attack on the Longbottoms and stop the task force Frank and Alice were leading.”

Dumbledore nodded, “We can only share the full story with the Potter Twins. But I think the teachers need to found out that Harry’s twin has been found, especially Hagrid.”

McGonagall nodded and smiled, “I will see to it presently, He will feel so much better knowing his memory was not at fault. I honestly don’t remember Lily having twins but somehow Hagrid always contented that she did.

(Hogwarts Express)

Harry and Kodachi had spent an hour with Shirousagi until the bulge faded back to normal size. In the process Ron and Hermione learned that both Harry and Kodachi were ParselMouths.

“That’s Bloody Freaky Harry!” exclaimed Ron, “I would keep it a secret, if you weren’t the Boy-That-Lived, I would consider you a Dark Wizard. Only reason I am not freaking out on Kodachi is because she is your sister, mate.”

Hermione nodded, “Yes I read about Parseltongue. It is considered a Dark Gift. I don’t understand really why.” She sighed and shook her head, “Although I am not surprised that both of you have it. I read in “Magical Gifts… So you are Magical But are you Magic?” that magical gifts run in families.”

Ron shook his head, “Blimey Mental I tell you.”

Then twins looked at each other. So far everything that has been said to them since Mrs. Weasely called Harry, Kodachi’s brother seemed to support the fact that they were brother and sister, maybe twins even. The two nodded to each other and deep within Magic reacted to desire. Although the two did not know it yet themselves, their blood was the same blood and desire bound the twins closer then any would normally be. After playing games with their two new friends the twins leaned on eachother and fell into a deep trance state.

( Vision )

Harry and Kodachi opened their eyes to find themselves in a land of white mists. Suddenly they found themselves in a bear hug from a sobbing red headed woman with Harry’s Emerald green eyes.

“Harry, Kody…” Lily Potter’s spirit called as she hugged her twin children on the Spirit Plain. “You found each other after all this time. And going to Hogwarts too. Your father and I are so proud. Never forget we love you.

Harry and Kodachi blinked then hugged the woman back. “MAMA!”, screamed the twins as they cried letting the pain of their separate pasts out and feeling the pain fade for the first time in their lives.

Half an hour later, the three had calmed down and Lily shared a secret with her children. “Harry, due to being Male and oldest you are the current though underage Lord Potter. Because my Half Brother, Sirus is unjustly imprisoned you are also the Lord Black.” Lily looked at her daughter, “Because you are my daughter you hold a title that can only be held by a daughter of our line. You are truly Lady Hecate.” She sighed, “You must learn about the laws of the wizarding world. I wish I was there to guide you but there isn’t much we can do about it now.” She hugged them tightly, “Find Dumbledore, he knows both your histories and can explain.” Lily stepped back and bowed Japanese Style, “You really are the Head of the Family, Harry, my son. We are proud of you. Protect your Family and make it the Ancient and Beloved House Potter again.” Turning to Kodachi, Lily hugged her close and whispered, “Train your brother in the Arts you know. Both of Battle and of Court, be for him the short sword that protects his flank from attack.”

As Lily backed away and began to fade Kodachi called out, “I will Mother, We love you Mother”.

( Hogwarts Express )

Harry and Kodachi jerked awake suddenly with a fading sob in stereo. The two almost fell to the floor in their jerky waking, it was only their inborn reflexes polished through the abusive training both had separately survived that kept the young lord and lady from landing on the floor. Without thinking each shoot out the foot against the back of the seat and used each other as a balance by unconsciously shifting their weight exactly counter point pressing their heads into the other’s shoulder as they lay on their backs facing exactly opposite, each having their head on the shoulder of the other.

Hermione jerked forward as if to catch or try to keep the twins from falling. Once she was in motion some grace flowed in her action, marking her as not totally unskilled in one of the martial art styles. Even so her training was nowhere as rough as Bella’s abusive version on Kodachi or the styleless skill abuse gave Harry. As Hermione’s hands reached for the shoulders of Harry and Kodachi and she slid into a modified Horse Stance to anchor them, the twins reached unconsciously for Hermione their arms crossing each other so that in the end the three fell onto their feet in the middle of the cabin each in a similar instinctive stance. The twins locked arms warrior style across their bodies then their free arms locked warrior style with Hermione’s outstretched arms. With a flare of auras and magical energy first a circle then a Triguetra glowing white light appeared around the three interlocked pre-teens as Ron watched in shock. And the three counterbalanced each other as they fell into another trance.

( Vision )

For the young Lord Potter and the two girls he was being balanced by time again froze and the cabin faded away leaving only the three of them in an area of glowing white mist. Where their arms interlocked a glowing light appeared and expanded to be a female spirit with red hair and glowing violet eyes. She was dressed in mideavl style for a high born lady. The spirit opened her mouth and spoke, “I know thee, Brother and Sister pair. I know thee Daughter of my mind. I do not know thy names but I know thee. Young Lord, Bairn of House Potter, truly named the House Griffindor-Ravenclaw. Young Lady Hecate, twin to the Lord. And thee beloved daughter of the Lost Squb Line. Thee have without thought or knowledge bound thee one to the other. Four houses of great power. Lord Griffindor-Ravenclaw, in this age called Potter. Lady Hecate, the heiress of Mother’s blood. Lady Grandour, in this age called Granger, the squib daughter’s line returned. This bonding was not meant to be yet. For House Potter and House Grandour are yet too young to handfast. But Magic’s Will must be obeyed! So I bind Brother to Sister, Sister-in-Handfast to Sister-in-Handfast and Future Wife to Future Husband. The Lines of Raven and Griffin restored by rite of Magic. The Line of Hecate bound by blood forming the Next Great Line. Love and Protect each other children most beloved. Thee art the future of the world and the Light. So Spoke Rowena Ravenclaw Griffindor, Seer and Lady Mage.

As the spirit and the light fades magic binds Hermione to the twins. Power calls to Power and is answered. Bloodlines thought lost return and strengthened. And the future of foreshadowed. And for the first time in a thousand years a telepathic bond that can not be severed or interfered with was formed. A muggleborn learned she was not so muggleborn and three lonely souls found life long companions.

Harry looked at Hermione once the glowing died down, “Well, err, Hello, I guess we are new best friends huh?” In his mind he was way to young for whatever a handfast was, so he just made due with what he could accept.

Hermione blushed deeply for she knew what a handfast was and somewhere deep within was hoping that her future was with this cute, famous, messy haired boy, “I am a bookworm and sometimes bossy. But if you can accept that, then I will be your friend forever.”

Kodachi giggled and shifted her weight causing other two to be pushed together. In her mind they were now engaged to each other on the honor of the first Matriarch of both line Potter and Granger. “My brother has a fiancée. I have a sister!” Kodachi teased as she bounced in place, happy to have a sister with which to be girls with.

As both Harry and Hermione blushed, Harry released Kodachi’s hand to give her a soft push, “Grow up Kody. We just met sheesh.” Harry unconsciously used his mother’s nickname for her lost daughter and by releasing his twin allowed her to spin before releasing Hermione, which caused Hermione to lose her balance even in a horse stance and Harry to shift his weight to catch her against him. The breaking of the three-way grasp caused the circle and Triguetra to power down.

( Hogwarts Express )

Ron continued to stare in shock at the glowing circle around his new friends and truly hoped they would be okay. He was so confused that he didn’t even start to get jealous. How could he be jealous if he had no clue what was happening. Suddenly the symbol and circle flared, blinding him. When he could see shapes again, all he had time to see was a shadow in a falling spin towards him. Without thinking instincts born of playing pickup quidditch at home caused the young red head to catch the giggling Kodachi as the light and sigil faded completely. Ron chuckled as he watched Harry catch Hermione.

Harry heard Ron’s chuckle, which caused him to stop looking at Hermione and look towards his friend, “Oi, mate! That’s my sister you are cuddling.”, he teased.

Ron stuttered unable to form words as a Weasley blush over took his face and ears. Kodachi looked up at the blushing Wizard and playfully snuggled into him as she has seen older girls do, “Don’t mind my brother. He is just touchy cause our clan Matriarch engaged him to her Heiress during that lightshow just now.” Kodachi sat down next to Ron and tapped his jaw, “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.”

Harry and Hermione blushed deep red and jumped apart but sat down together as friends on Harry’s side of the cabin. Ron blinked, “Matriarch? Heiress?” This new information was enough to throw Ron out of his own embarrassment.

Kodachi nodded and smiled cutely, “Are the Weasley clan Pureblood?”

Ron nodded but looked at Kodachi confused, “I don’t think Pureblood matters though. I am sure there are a lot of muggleborns that are worth more then most purebloods. I mean look at the Malfoys.”

The door to the cabin slammed open and a silver blonde boy in expensive wizard robes appeared in the doorway flanked by two large boys that had the appearance of thugs and did not look as if they could have an independent thought to save their lives. “What are you saying about my family Weasel?”, sneered Draco Malfoy. He looked around the cabin, “Let me guess, three mudbloods and a blood-traitor.” As his eyes fell on Kodachi he leered, “It’s a shame you are mudblood, I wouldn’t mind getting into your sheets.”

Ron snapped up to physically attack Malfoy when Kodachi put her hand on his arm. Her voice became quiet and deadly, “You know not of which you speak. The Weasleys are a noble and pureblood house. I am the Lady Hecate, as pure as thee. The other boy is my twin brother, Lord Potter himself. And his Lady seated beside him is the last heiress of Rowena Ravenclaw. Our blood be true, our hearts be noble. Can you say the same?” As Malfoy’s jaw fell in shock, Kodachi waved her hand dismissively and in a commanding voice spoke in Japanese as her ki gathered in fulfillment of her will, “acchiike!”

Kodachi’s magic strongly stirred and restored by her bonding to Harry and Hermione responded to her use of ki to strengthen her voice by obeying the spirit of the Japanese command, ‘get away from me’. With a invisible flare of ki that the four friends felt Malfoy and his goons are pushed from the cabin as if a banishing charm was cast on them and then the door slammed closed of his own accord.

Ron, Harry and a still blushing Hermione, who had processed the way Kodachi had introduced her, stared at Kodachi in amazement. Suddenly Ron grinned and hugged the girl, “That was Bloody Marvelous, can you teach me that?” Harry and Hermione nodded as the added “Me Too.”, in chorus.

Kodachi looked down and blushed, playing with her pony tail, “I think that was Ki and not magic like we will be learning at school. I can try but it takes years to learn. If you want we can start tomorrow.”

Ron shrugged, “Looked like Wandless Magic to me. If this Ki does things like that, I want to learn.” He then looked at Hermione, “Are you really Lady Ravenclaw?”

Hermione blushed and looked down, playing with the hem of her shirt. “I think so”, she whispered. “That’s what the spirit of Lady Rowena said when we did that weird light thing. She looked up shyly at Harry.

Harry misinterpreted the look slightly and nodded voicing his agreement, “That’s what I heard too.”

Ron nodded and smiled, “That means I am friends with three powerful heirs of Light Families. Wizard!” Suddenly he blushed and looked at the ground, “We are friends right?”

The two girls looked at Harry. Kodachi did so, because he was her older brother and unlike Tatewaki she actually respected Harry. Hermione looked toward Harry because even though she did not normally believe in fortune tellers, that was Rowena Ravenclaw, a founder of Hogwarts and known True Seer. Plus she could somehow feel that he was a good person and could sense a person’s character. Harry noticed that both girls were waiting for him to answer, though he really couldn’t think of why. He spoke in a clear voice, “Oh course Ron.” The four new friends spent their time together and built a friendship that might just last the rest of their lives.

Hours later they stood together looking around the Great Hall of Hogwarts as the Sorting Hat sang its song.

“Oh you may not think me pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unfraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!”

Just as the song ended Shirousagi, who Kodachi was carrying got voliently sick and regurgitated a slimy but very much alive old rat that suddenly shifted into a human form and began to cough uncontrollably.

Severus Snape stared down at the balding man covered in digestive juices, “Bloody Hell, Black is innocent!” And Quirrell hissed in a voice not his own in shock, “Wormtail, you bloody fool.” Though everyone by Snape who was beside him missed the words and only heard the hiss. Snape stumbled back a step and shook his head as if to clear it of an imagined voice.

Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall and Flitwick exclaimed, “Peter Pettigrew!” as one. Then almost as if it was a practiced move, trained through hours of work drew their wands and called out, “Petrificus Totalus, Silencio, Stupefy.” The three spells one right after the other, spoken by three very powerful casters in chorus was almost enough to shock poor Wormtail dead, but almost only counts in horse shoes, muggle explosives and Ki blasts of certain future deziens of Nerima, Japan. Therefore on the floor of the Great Hall between the first years and the head table lay the body of a Body Bound, Silenced and Stunned, Peter Pettigrew, hero of the first war, thought dead, Deatheater, traitor, and framer of innocent dog animagi!
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