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Just Like Up On The Screen (Decca)

by MCR-99 3 reviews

Becca + Dan oneshot :)

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2013-03-15 - 794 words


Just Like Up On The Screen (Decca)

I got in from school on Friday,and ran up the stairs in full-on excitement.Today was the day I was going to find out whether or not I,along with my best fucking friend Sadie,was going to see the two mostepic Youtubers ever,and actually talk to them.I logged onto the computer in my room,clicking on my e-mail.I entered all the info needed to sign in,and there it was.Sitting in my inbox was the email,adressed to me.I opened it,and read it.

Dear Becca.

Congrats! You've won tickets for you and a friend to meet Dan and Phil,Youtube sensations! Just meet at the Internet Hall at midday on Thursday 20th March,and spend the next three hours in the midst of your favourite Youtubers!

See ya there!

I screamed as I read the email,then dialled Sadie's number.I told her then news,and she screamed aswell,before we both giggled as we realised that we were going to be meeting the funniest guys ever,in less than one week.


Thursday came too slow for our liking.I managed to sneak us out of school though,by lying to the receptionist.I said that I had a dentist appointment,and Sadie,faking a severe stomach ache,had to go to the doctor.The receptionist allowed us out,the fool.We ran from school,and ran straight to my house,where we donned cat whiskers and Danosaur and Phillion T-shirts.I then grabbed our tickets and passes for the bus,and we left the house to meet our heroes.

Once inside the Internet Hall,we met many Phillions,Danosaurs and Phangirls alike.We conversed with a few of them,it was easy to talked to them as we all had nearly the same taste.After a half hour of talking to some nice girls,Dan and Phil stepped onto the stage,smiling widely as they approached the microphone.

"Hi guys! Nice to see so many of you here!"Dan began,full of energy.

"And the cat whiskers too!"Phil joked,making us laugh.They talked for a bit,advertising some project they were gonna be doing,and then we were allowed to roam freely around the place.We spotted out other Youtubers too,like PJ and Chris.They were surrounded by their own fanbase,along with some of the Phandom.Sadie spotted Dan and Phil,alone by the T-shirt booth,and we walked up to go talk to them,well,Sadie pushed me in their direction.

"Hi,Dan! Hi,Phil!"She smiled,full of confidence.They smiled back too.

"Hey,nice to see some Danosaurs and Phillions around here!"They mused back,when I finally spoke.

Well,we are at a meet and greet with hundreds of your fans.."

They laughed at that comment,and I finally got a little confidence.

"You're right,kid!"Phil laughed,before spotting the video game booth and running over at the sight of Skyrim.Sadie noticed the Sims,and ran over as well,leaving just me and Dan.

"I like your videos."I say,out of sheer awkwardness.

"I like your's too,you are really funny and have a nice voice too!"

I smiled,more of my confidence returning as we aimlessly talked to eachother.


I got in from a nice evening out with Dan,and walked up to my room.It has been a few months,and me and Dan,we kinda like eachother,like,enough to date and stuff.I got into my room,closing the door,and logged onto Skype,where a chat with Sadie was awaiting.I clicked on it,and Sadie flooded me with questions.

"How was it? Was it good? Have you guys kissed yet? Oh my god,tell me!"

"It was fine,Sadie!"I laugh."I agreed to meet him again soon."

"Oh my god!"She smiled,gaping in awe at my fun-filled night."So,it's safe to say Decca is real now?"

"Yes,it's real."I laugh."It always has been!"

Sadie then proceeded to shout out her window,telling people that our ship was real,and it was sailing well.I laughed like crazy,that girl always made me laugh.

"So,you guys gonna get married yet?"

"Sadie,we've only had one date!"

"Still! You guys gotta get married!"

"Oh,we will."I teased her playfully."Just wait.."

Becca,when you and Dan do get married,you'd better invite us all to your wedding!
So,as promised Becca! Now,gonna wait for me and Kellin to be together.I don't care about what happens in it!
Rate and Review,Ficwaddians! Luv yas! xx Sadie
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