Categories > Original > Drama > Welcome Home Idea

Welcome Home Idea

by TwistedFireStarter 7 reviews

Liz comes home today, and I have a few ideas as some sort of Welcome Home Party. Please read.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-18 - Updated: 2013-03-19 - 203 words


As you may be able to tell from the title, Liz comes home later today. Hands up if you can't wait. raises hand

Anyway. I want her to feel extremely loved when she logs back on here. So, spam her with reviews or emails (her email is on her profile). Fill out a "Why I Love Liz" thing, which you find on my profile under "An Idea". Write oneshots for her. I don't know or care, just do something to show your love for her!

ALSO! As you may have heard, in my spare time I like to film videos and edit them on my laptop, adding music and sound effects to it, etc. I was wondering if anyone on here would like to be a part of a video I'm doing for her? All you'd have to do is record a message for Liz, via Vocaroo. OR, you can film a video with your message for her. Either one works. You just do one of those, and I'll do the rest for you. If you decide you want to take part in this, please either leave me a review, or email me (my email is on my profile).

Thank you!

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