Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) AlexisSCREAM 2013-03-19
Don't cry. Fuck the haters. Fuck 'em all! (Not literally... that's probably a bad idea)
xoxoDiary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) ColorfulShadow 2013-03-19
Girl, I read the review.
Gurl cant evn rite evn if her life dpended on it.
Throw a dildo in that troll's grave! Fuck trolls. Fuck them all! (But use protection. Don't want to catch AIDS.)Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) beatus_quinn 2013-03-19
Not everyone is going to like what you create. Write it for you, because you like it, not because you want other people to like it.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) AlexisSCREAM 2013-03-19
By the way, that troll is totally a troll. It's saying crap about everybody's stories. Plus, it uses awful grammar.
xoxoDiary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) BeccaIsNotOnFire 2013-03-19
I just told that fucking cunt where to go. I brought out some of my sassiness on that biatch
That's right motherfucker xxxDiary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) Sam41 2013-03-20
I'm going to repeat myself here
But who cares what they think?
It's a matter of
1) Do you like SWS?
2) Are you proud of it yourself
Don't give a second fuck what they think! I've been too busy to sit down and actually enjoy a fic, but once I'm all caught up in school I promise to check it out
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