Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.

Oh Fuck No.

by MCR-99 2 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-03-23 - 199 words

You guys,may have heard the news.

My Chemical Romance,my loves for these past 7,near to 8 months,are no more.

They've left us,I thought they'd stay forever.

So,this is my one last dedicaion,for our heroes.

Gerard,the wonderful man.You,you were my life support.I believed every single word you told me,what you told us.

Mikey,I still love you.Even after what happened with you and Alicia,I've grown past that.You,when you played bass whenever I listened to Disenchanted,I slept easy.

Frank,you will be missed.You,you were my life support too.

Ray,the puffy-haired hero.You,and all of MCR,saved me.

Now,I wanted to kill myself,I had the knife in my hand.
I didn't draw any blood,but I'm hurting.

But,I will carry on.
Because,I'll still have SWS,BVB,PTV,ATL and FOB.
They will keep me going,as well as all of you guys will.

I promise you guys now,that I will never let you fall down.
I promise,I'll never let them take the light behind your eyes.

I will always love you,guys.
I promise that.

Xx Sadie
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