Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A City by the Light Divided

Chapter Three

by MusicxisxHearts 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-07-31 - Updated: 2006-08-01 - 1467 words

"Well, here we are," Pete led Kylie down a narrow alley to a plain looking door. He took out a key and unlocked the door. "No one else is home yet."
"Yet?" asked Kylie. "And exactly who do you live with?"
"Just a couple of my friends," Pete closed the door before flipping on the lights.
Kylie looked around. The house was a three-story brick building with no windows located in District F. The first floor was one room that seemed to be a combined kitchen/living room. A drum set, bass, and two guitars were up against the far wall. The only furniture was a couch, TV, a few wooden chairs, a table, and a refrigerator.
"What do you play?" Kylie pointed at the instruments.
"Oh, bass," Pete answered. "It's not much, but it's home."
Kylie glanced down at the bleeding cuts on her arms. "Yeah, about those band-aids..."
"Right, I'll be right back," Pete turned to go up the wooden staircase. "Oh, and if someone knocks on the door, don't open it."
"OK," Kylie bit her lip. What am I doing here? Dad would kill me if he found out. I barely know this kid. And the "don't open the door" rule is freaking me out. Something is not right here...
Pete came back down the steps with band-aids and disinfectant. He seemed to feel Kylie's uneasiness. "Um, if you want to sit down..."
Kylie followed Pete over to the worn looking red couch and sat down uneasily. Pete opened the bottle of disinfectant as Kylie held out one arm. Kylie winced and pulled her arm back a little as Pete poured on the disinfectant. She then grabbed a few band-aids and started covering up the cuts.
"So, about the fangs," Pete seemed worried.
Kylie stuck on another band-aid. "Well, like I said, you may never know what fangs you're using..." She could tell that Pete was really worried about something. "You, uh, haven't bitten anyone, right?"
Pete put disinfectant on Kylie's other arm. "Right, it's just...well, I live here with some of my friends, and't want to..."
"Hurt them?" Kylie finished for Pete as she continued to put on the last band-aids.
"Um, yeah." Pete slowly screwed the cap back on the disinfectant bottle.
Kylie bit her lip. What am I getting myself into? "So, how long have you been a vampire?" Kylie tried to make the topic seem casual, but she could tell Pete was upset about the whole being a vampire thing.
"One week, exactly one week," Pete fidgeted a little.
Kylie looked around again, unsure of how to say what she was going to ask. "Um, so what said you didn't...the water..." Wow, am I bad at this.
"Yeah, no blood. Patrick found some blend using the water..."
Kylie thought for a moment. Pete seems really familiar...but from where? SCHOOL! That's it! "Hey, do you go to college anywhere around here?"
Pete was unsure of what to say. There's something weird about this girl, but she knows a lot... "Yeah, I go to Tri-District Community." Wait a minute... "You go there to, I remember now."
Kylie smiled a little. "I thought you looked familiar. And Patrick, the genius kid from my science class, he's your friend."
"Yeah, that's Patrick," Pete laughed for the first time in a week. It didn't last long.
Kylie frowned as she saw the sadness come across Pete's face, and then she remembered. "You weren't there at all this week."
"How am I supposed to go? I can't! It's a non-vampire school. I'd get in so much trouble if anyone found out," Pete seemed irritated.
"You know, there are ways around everything," Kylie almost smacked her self for saying that. Rule number one of my job: don't get involved!
Pete looked surprised, "Ways around everything?"
Kylie nodded her head slowly, "There's only a week left of school. It would be easy..." What are you doing Kylie? Don't say anything, anything!
Pete wasn't sure. Only one week, she said it would be easy. But still, I'd probably slip and blow everything and end up in jail.
"So what did you tell your parents?" Kylie tried to switch the conversation topic.
That caught Pete off guard. "I just said that me, Patrick, Andy, and Joe found this place to rent. Besides, my parents were already telling me to get out of the house. Especially when..." Last Saturday night flashed through Pete's mind.
Kylie waited. I kind of feel bad for him... "Wait a minute, they don't know you're a vampire?"
"Yeah, I didn't know how to tell them..." Pete looked down.
Kylie waited a minute. I shouldn't ask, I shouldn't ask. I barely know him, for all I know he could go crazy and bite me... "What happened last Saturday night?" Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why can't I keep my mouth shut?
Pete thought for a moment. I shouldn't tell her, but what the heck; I'm already in enough trouble. "Well, I snuck out to go hang with Andy, and I took a short cut home through District D to avoid going through District E. Andy caught up with me and we were in this alley, and all of a sudden someone grabbed me, and..."
"Did you see who it was?" Kylie thought. Who was supposed to be patrolling District D that night?
"A little, it was definitely a guy. With long hair and wearing a hat and dressed in," Pete paused. This is way to weird to tell her, she probably won't believe me...
Kylie was stunned. "Oh my gosh...what color hair? And hat? And what else was he wearing?"
"Brown hair, tan hat, tan suit." Pete was confused. Does she know this guy?
"Oh my gosh," Kylie bit her lip and had to tell herself not to start shaking.
Pete watched Kylie. What is going on? "Do you know him?"
"More than you would think," Kylie again almost smacked herself. No, you cannot tell him! That is highly classified information! You could be putting countless people in danger! Kylie shook her head, "I can't say anything else."
"Can you at least tell me his name?" Pete was really confused now.
Kylie hesitated. He does have the right to know who did this to him. "Mariano."
Pete and Kylie sat in silence for a while. Pete shifted a little, and then continued, "So the guy just bit me and took off. Andy was freaking out, and all I could do was try to stop myself from bleeding to death." Pete paused, unsure of what really happened next. "I don't remember anything too well after that, but I think Joe showed up and him and Andy took me to Joe's house. And then I don't remember anything for a few days."
"What about Joe's parents?" Kylie asked. I think I've seen Joe and Andy at school.
"They were gone for the whole week, so I just stayed there and recovered." Pete tried to push the memories out of his mind. It wasn't working too well. "My parents were so mad when I finally went home, so I just blew up and said I was living with Joe, Andy, and Patrick now."
"And then you left?"
"Well, I grabbed some of my stuff and went over to Joe's." Pete was wishing he hadn't gotten so mad.
"And I'm guessing Joe and the others didn't know you were all leaving home?" Kylie tried to make the conversation seem more casual.
"They agreed after I told them what happened." Pete didn't know what to say next. "So here I am..."
Kylie remained quiet for a moment. "Oh my gosh, I forgot about Ray!" She jumped up. Good job! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
"Ray?" again, Pete was confused.
"My partner for patrols tonight. I can't believe I forgot! I was supposed to meet him a long time ago. Oh my gosh, Ray in District D!" Kylie started towards the door. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble if he finds out, oh no..."
Pete ran to block the door, "Wait!" What if she tells him?
"What?" Kylie studied Pete's face. He thinks I'm going to tell... "Pete, I promise I won't tell anyone anything. I'll lie to Ray about where I was. I promise."
Pete wasn't sure. Should I trust her? I don't really think I have a choice, I'm not keeping anyone hostage. "Alright..." Pete moved from in front of the door.
"Really, I'm not going to tell anyone." Kylie paused. "Um, about school, I can come back tomorrow and tell you what to do." So much for not getting involved.
Pete thought about it for a minute. Why not? "OK."
"You can trust me," Kylie added before stepping out the door.
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