Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blackwing


by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-25 - 772 words

Jack and I had to stay behind when the bell rang for lunch. "We're sorry, ma'am!" I said quickly as raised her wand at us. "I dropped my bag and Jack helped me pick up all of my things."

"Very well boys. Run along." she smiled at us, her voice soft. Jack raised his eyebrows as I puled him toward the door.

A gong magically appeared in front of me, sounding when I hit into it. I hissed and put my hand over the red mark. "Oops." I heard the little giggle behind me. "That wasn't supposed to happen." I heard the sarcasm in her voice.

"Go Jack." I pushed him ahead of me and ducked under the gong. Once we were in the hall, I glared at my feet. "Stupid witch." I snarled.

I felt my arms going thinner and took a deep breath before I could change. "You okay?" Jack asked, his hand resting on my shoulder.

"Yeah." I heard the running footsteps coming at us before he did.

"Frankie! Help!!" I recognized the voice instantly. It Helen. And of course she was getting chased by some guy.

I sighed and threw my arm out. She slid under it, holding her skirt down. The guy wasn't as lucky.

He gagged and flew back as he hit my arm in the neck. I held my hand out to Helen, who took it and stood up. Then I looked back at the guy.

When he saw who I was, he gasped. "F-rank! I didn't see you there!" He started to get to his hands and knees. "S-sorry man." I kicked him in the ass as he tried to crawl away, making him fall forward.

"Get outta here. And if you ever go after one of the girls like that again, I'll kill you." He let out a small scream and scrambled to his feet, running away. "You okay Helen?"

She nodded, her bright blue eyes the color of the ocean. Which made sense, seeing as she's a Siren. "Thanks Frankie." she kissed my cheek. "Let's go to lunch." she wound her arm around mine and started to pull me.

I grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him along. Helen started to hum softly to herself. "You're a vampire, aren't you?" She asked Jack as we stood in line to get our food.

"Yes. And you must be a Siren." he smiled at her. She grinned back and nodded.

Oh yeah! I forgot. Vampires and Sirens are the most likely to befriend each other out of monsters.

"Frankie!" I was grabbed by two different people before I could sit down. I looked to my left and saw Natalia. Then to my right to see Jessica. "Some guy was looking up our skirts!" they both said, clinging to my arms.

"Who?" I asked, my anger growing.

"I didn't get a good look at him. Only that he had short brown hair." Jessica said, tears in her eyes. "I feel so violated!" she hugged herself to me tighter, pulling my arm between her breasts.

"I think he had on a bracelet, but I couldn't tell. Frankie, you have to help us!" Natalia copied Jessica. I felt my face going red.

"I'll do what I can, but there's not much with those descriptions." I said, not able to free myself. "Look, girls, why don't we go get your lunches and you can sit here. Nobody will mess with you as long as I'm with you."

They nodded and pulled me over to where their food sat. Not letting me go, they picked up their food and we all walked back to our table.

Helen touched Natalia's shoulder, making her let go. They sat on one side of the table while I sat between Jack and Jessica.

I could almost taste the tension between the two of them as I ate my food. Should I be worried about Jessica trying to kill me?

"Something wrong Frankie?" Helen asked, making me look up from my food. I shook my head and smiled.

Well, if it is, I'll worry about it later on. When she's trying to kill me, if it comes to it.

Next chapter. I just wanted to get it up before my laptop reset. I'm not sure if it closes out of all my internet stuff or not, but not taking any chances.

So, R+R and all that. Also, Free for all is still open for more people! So go on in and enter for the chance to work with me on a horror/romance/mystery story I have the idea for!

Hugs and Madapples,
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