Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Tower of God

Tower of God

by Shank 0 reviews

The first character to our story

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2013-03-25 - Updated: 2013-03-26 - 654 words

It was a dark room with a table lit up in the middle.
Around it sat some scary looking people, all with a mask over their face.
"So here we are, taking a break from running the Liar Game tournament to see the best and strongest in the Tower of God. This is exciting!"
"Leronira, you really love watching these kinds of competitions. How is it all going to work though?"
"Simple." Leronira replied. "There are 4 towers, all with the same tests. There have been roughly a thousand competitors chosen to compete in this to try and reach the top and if they do, they can get anything they want. The interesting point is that there has been the ability to bring some back from the dead to compete as well therefore offering a second chance at life should they reach the top of the tower."

North Tower

It was dark; Uzumaki Naruto had no idea how he had come to be in this place. He could remember being involved in multiple battle fronts using his shadow clones and now suddenly he was in a dark room. He looked around; there were a lot of figures around him also looking confused as to where they were. Naruto began walking, there were going to be no questions solved by merely standing around waiting for something to happen.
Uzumaki Naruto: Naruto

As Naruto made his way inwards, a large holographic figure popped up towards the ceiling, within view of everyone there. It was an obvious female, but she was wearing a peculiar mask. It reminded him of the ANBU masks but with obvious differences. “Hello competitors, please make your way forward as there will be other entries coming soon. Your questions will be answered in due time but for now you should just worry about passing the first test.” The voice was clear, as if being played off many loudspeakers.
As Naruto walked, a voice tried to make contact with him from behind. Naruto turned to see a weird dog-looking man there. “Hey do you know where we are or what is going on?” The dog-man said.
“No, I have no idea. That masked lady should though if we can find her,” Naruto and the dog-man pressed on for a little till they reached an end of the room.
Rabid-Dog: Hunter X Hunter
Shadow Beast Warriors-Deceased

The masked lady stood alone in front of a door. “Who are you?” Naruto demanded. “And where are we?”
“I am Sardinia, you have been bought to the North Tower and are participating in the greatest tournament ever organised. That is all I can tell you for now, until you pass the first test.”
“And if we do not pass?”
“Well you are banished of course.”
“So why wouldn’t I just fail on purpose?” Naruto asked. Sardinia said nothing more to him but merely pointed at the door behind her. “I was killed in battle, how is it possible that I am here,” the dog-man said. Sardinia still did not answer him but pointed at the door once more. “We should just press on for now,” Naruto said in a calm manner. “Come on, come with me.” The dog-man nodded but now Sardinia raised her hand. “I am sorry, but only one at a time can take this test and move onto the next level.” Naruto looked back at the man who seemed rather nervous. The dog-man had claimed he was dead, which couldn’t be possible, as he didn’t seem to be under the Reanimation Technique of Orochimaru or Kabuto.

Note: I am only going off the Animes/Mangas that are among my favourites and choosing characters from the spots I am up to or choose to include.If you do not read all the ones I will be including I will try and ensure that you will learn a little about them. Hope you enjoy
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