Categories > Original > Poetry


by XavierHazelwood 1 review

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Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2013-03-30 - 159 words - Complete


The scent of blood fills my nose.
The trail of it excites me.
As it leads me closer I think of ways to make this kill more pleasurable.
Will this trail ever end? Who knows?

This trail seems not to end.
It's impossibly long.
A person shouldn't be able to lose this amount of blood and survive.

As I wonder I start to feel empty inside.
The longer I travel the emptier I feel.
My skin turns gray.
My hair thins.
My joints deform.

Why is this happening to me.
I'm not the one dying. Or am I?
At this moment my prey appears.
I'm shocked by what what I see.

My prey is me.
The very thing i tried to kill is me.
I look desolate, sad, and distraught.

As our hands touch I feel the life flow into me.
Now complete I'm no longer the predator.
I am now the equilibrium.
The balance that needs to be.
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