Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mr. Unsocial

'I Won't Forget'

by IntoxicatingThoughts 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-04-01 - 830 words

Really short this time guys, sorry...

I am never drinking again. Ever. Not for any reason. I barely even remember anything from last night, and I knew I had to. I knew it was important.

I mean, it’s pretty scary when you wake up at three in the afternoon with a massive headache and no memory of what the fuck happened. My phone rings, and I groan loudly.

“Hello?” I ask groggily.

“Hey Mikes!” Frank says cheerfully. Something stirs in my stomach. What the hell happened last night?

“Frank… what… I’ll call you back.” I say quickly, and hang up. I jump out of my bed, and run out of the room. Shit shit shit.

I dash past Gerard and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

“Mikey? You okay?” He calls from the hallway. I hear him jiggle the doorknob.

“Yeah, fine. Just getting a shower, that’s all.” I say quickly, and turn the water on full blast. I yank my clothes off and jump into the steaming hot water. I let it cascade down my aching body as I try and remember last night.

I think back as far as I can. The park. I was with Frank…

We almost kissed but then Gerard called. Frank forgave him.

I ran off and found a bar.

I had four or five drinks of something very strong.

I went home with… Ray! Ray Toro!!

After that, everything comes spilling back.

Frank and I…

I gasp, and slip on the shower floor; bashing my head against the wall in the process. Which does nothing for my headache.

“Fuck,” I mutter, standing up. I guess I passed out after I threw up… and Frank brought me home. What was last night? Did it mean anything?

Dread grips my stomach, and I know I’m going to be sick. Quickly, I shut off the water and wrap a towel around my waist. As I lean over the toilet, I once again try to flush all of the alcohol from my stomach.

After I dry heave so hard I’m surprised my stomach didn’t end up in the toilet, I brush my teeth and rush back to my room.

Just as I manage to pull on a pair of boxer shorts and lay down in my bed with the intent of sleeping off my hangover, someone knocks on my door.

“What?” I mumble, my voice muffled by the pillow my face is currently shoved into.
“Mikey? It’s Frank. Can I uh… come in?” Frank asks. My heart pounds.

“Uh, no. I’m like, super sick.” I mumble. I hear him sigh through the door.

“C’mon, Mikey. Please?” He asks again.

“Bye.” I reply. I hear the door open. Guess he doesn’t listen.

“Mikey, we need to talk.” He tells me, sitting on the edge of my bed. I sit up, and pull the blankets around me.

“About?” I whisper, trying not to blush. I know what he wants to talk about, but I don’t know if I do. He chews on his silver lip ring, which is something he does when he’s nervous. Okay… he’s nervous, good or bad?

“Last night…” He says softly and looks up at me. I blush madly, and break eye contact. “Mikey I… I’m not entirely sure what last night was… but,” He says, and I just shush him.

“It meant nothing… You have Gerard. Plain and simple. It would be best if we just forgot. Yeah?” I say forcefully. He just stares at me. Did I upset him…? He looks away, but not before I see a tear slip down his cheek.

“Okay Mikey. If that’s really what you want.” He whispers, and I think at that moment, my heart breaks.

“Dammit!” I scream, and jump out of my bed, not caring that I’m only in boxers. Not to mention, my unicorn ones. “Why did all of that happen? Why did you do it if you love Gerard? Why do you feel the need to fuck with my emotions? I don’t even fucking remember!” I scream, and shove him backward onto my bed. His eyes narrow and he slowly stands up. It doesn’t really make a difference, considering he’s considerably shorter than me, though.

“You didn’t exactly object, if I remember. And don’t tell me you don’t remember, because you obviously do.” He says, his voice scarily calm.

“I was drunk, goddammit!” I yell. He smirks.

“’Frank… I uh… really like you. I wouldn’t forget. I won’t ever. I promise.’” He quotes, and smirks even more when he sees the recognition in my eyes. “Even if you were drunk, you sure as hell didn’t fucking stop me, much less forget.” He growls, and storms out of my room.

Sorry for it being so short guys. But I will update this week, I swear.
~Cassie Rae
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