Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) atomickilljoy 2013-04-01
Sorry, but I won't be attending.
It'll be interesting to watch happen, though.Author's response
So, you'll be creeping next door?
It's okay that you won't be able to come. I throw parties most of the time, not here, on this thing on the playstation 3 called Playstation Home, and no one really comes...
sighs at my sad, sad life.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) atomickilljoy 2013-04-01
I throw parties on my blog, usually.
The people who are usually there help found parties on FicWad.
It's our thing.
Haha. It's usually very fun, and how we all bonded and met.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) Poppana 2013-04-01
The hearthfire dlc isn't really worth getting, i got it just because it was cheap and i really wanted to adopt some kids. The Dragonborn dlc however seems really good, i have it but havent gotten to it yet.
I like the Savior's Hide clothing you get from one of the Hircine quests, the one you start at Falkreath.
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