Categories > Original > Fantasy > Dark Worlds

Dark Worlds

by Axygirl706 1 review

Can you Imagen Axel of Kingdoom Hearts as a Vampire?

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Published: 2006-08-01 - Updated: 2006-08-01 - 493 words

It was an ordinary day in my life I was preparing for school. I didn't like that school much since I always felt left out and alone. So I just started imagining things and writing stories but I didn't realize that ahead laid great story and I was the main character. When I got to school the atmosphere seemed different. I felt weird and drossy I took a few steps when suddenly everything went black. When I woke up something shock me I was no longer in school instead I was in a large room with huge statues where in the outside you could see a red and white moon. Distracted by the beauty of it I didn't notice that a man stood in the door. "Beautiful aren't they" I Jumped and looked in shock and fear as I noticed the tall man with long red hair and a black robe. I recognized him immediately it was Axel.

I knew that I had stumbled in a place were fantasy becomes reality. "Well aren't you going to run in fear like the others" He smiled and I could notice his large white fangs. I looked at him puzzled. "I'm not the only one here...who else?" He looked at me shocked. It seemed that he didn't expected the question."Before I answer that question," He said while approaching me in the back and got closer to my ear "Do you believe in vampires?" My body shivered at his words. Just looking at him made me believe anything is possible. "Yes I do believe in them" "Good ...about your question there is one girl and three boys." I started thinking but nobody popped in my mind it seemed I was still shock about the whole place the only thing that ran through was how did I have gotten there. "Nobody will give you a hint the girls nickname is...Maggie." Fear ran trough my body as I rushed inside the castle. But a column of fire stopped me when I turned around I saw him making the wall. "Were are you going in such a hurry" "I have to look for my cousin." "Oh so she's your cousin? Interesting" He lowered the wall and said "Ill make a deal with you... If you could find your friends before the moons line up I'll send you home...Deal." "What happens if I don't get to find them in time" "Well lets just say that you won't live another day." I thought of it twice I would give my life in exchange for theirs. But what did I had to'll never know until you try right. Besides there was nothing else I could do. "Deal" " To make it more interesting here" A circle lit up over me and a necklace appeared. "What's it for?" "You will find soon enough." And with that he despaired into the darkness living me alone to discover a new world.
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