Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Connection of the eyes and heart

Remember I love You-Chapter37

by MCR667 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2013-04-05 - 1161 words - Complete

Hi guys, so either like 200 people have stopped reading this story or my setting isn't working right. I feel like you guys don't like the story anymore, i'm sorry please keep reading, it's almost over, don't you want to know the ending? Well thank you so much to the people still reading this, i love you guys, i really hope you still like the story

Chapter 37
Gerards Pov

I didn’t get my wish, I step out of the bathroom with clean clothes draped over my body, I’ve realized how much weight I’ve lost in the last few weeks because of stress, all of my clothes are getting baggy even my skinny jeans. As I see myself falling apart mentally and physically, I see Frank still unconscious, torn apart physically and for mentally I have no clue because he is not conscious, he did not wake up.

I slowly walk back over to the bed and take a seat in the chair next to my mother. I entwine my fingers with Franks and kiss the top of his hand. My mother asks, “Feeling any better?”

I sigh and say, “Not really, I’m just exhausted, but I can’t sleep, or think strait, all I can do is feel this pain that aches in side of me, and I just want my Frankie back. I hate sitting here helpless just letting whatever happens happen. If Frank is fighting I don’t want him fighting alone I want to be right by his side, keeping him alive”

She pats my head, sighs, then says, “I know sweetie, this is hard and the hard fact is the odd are against him, and that the fight he is fighting he has to do alone.”

We fall silent and stay silent until and Franks doctor walks in and says, “Hello Gerard, as you can see Frank has not waken up yet and we do not know what has happened to his injuries in the past hours, so we will be taking him for testing and we will go from there, okay?”

I nod and say, “Okay, when do you think I can see him again?”

He says, “It will take an hour or two for the testing and longer for the results”

I nod and say, “I will just go down to the cafeteria”

He places his hand on my shoulder and says, “Gerard, I’m sorry to say that the chances of Frank waking up before the surgery is very unlikely, his body needs to focus on fixing everything not regular motions, which means you should go home for the next couple hours and get some sleep, we will call you when we get the results”

He leaves after he says that but I answer anyway, “I’m staying I’m not leaving Frank”

My mom hands me her keys and says, “Go home sweetie, I will stay here and read until Frank gets back I will call you just like the hospital will, you need sleep, okay your body can’t function that long without sleep.”

I nod, walk over to Frankie, give him a kiss on his forehead then leave. I step into my mom’s car and I realize how tired I really am, I’m actually afraid I might fall asleep at the wheel.

I eventually get home and find Mikey making coffee still in his pajamas, he looks surprised to see me and says, “Hi Gerard, is everything okay?”

I give him a hug and say, “Frank is still unconscious so they took him for testing, he wont be back in the room for a while, so mom said she would stay while I got some sleep”

I walk to the back of the apartment into my room, I close the door, then stripe off my pants and shirt, Climb under my covers that still faintly have the smell of Frank in them from all those weeks ago.

I hear faint voices I think a girl but I’m too tired to check, I fall straight to sleep thinking about Frank.

I wake up screaming and when I finally rip my eyes open I see Mikey and Alicia rush into my room. I’m sitting up with my heart pounding, covered in a cold sweat with all my blankets thrown of my bed.

Mikey says, “Are you okay Gee what happened?”

I slide forward haning my legs off my bed and run my finger through my hair, “It was a dream, or a nightmare, it was terrible, but the thing is it was real, Frank is dying, and I can’t help him”

Mikey sits down and hugs me, I say, “Just one question, Why is Alicia here? Not that I mind just asking”

They both blush, Mikey says, “Well she stayed at the hospital until I left so I just let her crash here, she slept on the couch though”

I pat his shoulder and say, “Yup sure whatever you say”

I stand up and pull on my pants and shirt, Mikey says, “Its true she did” but his voice gets all squeaky when he says this so I know he’s lying

“Mikey you don’t have to lie, Frank has slept over plenty of times and we weren’t just cuddling like the two of you”

They both blush incredibly hard, “Alicia I’m sure he would have made the moves on you if he wasn’t already half asleep when you got here. You know there’s always next time you crazy kids”

I walk out of the room and Mikey says, “Your not supposed to encourage sex”

I turn around put my arms up and say, “Why? If its gonna happen it’s gonna happen, the most I can do is hand you a condom. I’m heading back to the hospital, I will give you updates”

Mikey says, “Your just gonna leave me alone in an apartment with a girl?”

I say, “Hey if things get carried away, which I doubt they will, just open the second shelf on my bed side table”

As I’m leaving I hear him mumble, “Oh god, I didn’t not want to know that”

I laugh then close the door, as terrible as reliving yesterday in a dream was getting sleep did help I felt a little more awake. I hop in the car and head for the hospital.

I get there and pull into a parking spot, I run into the hospital and get to the floor frank is on then straight into his room. I see Frank lying there almost in the exact same position he was in when I left, then my mom next to him reading her book.

I walk over to Frankie and kiss him on his forehead, and whisper, “Keep fighting Frankie, remember I love you, and I’m a greedy bastard so I wont let you go”
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