Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Remember Me

by MSbenzedrine 3 reviews

Frank was in an accident. He doesn't remember anything.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-04-06 - 1115 words - Complete

I slowly opened my eyes only to find that I’m in a white room. I carefully scanned the room only to find out that I’m in a hospital. What am I doing in a hospital?
There was a guy with red hair – not just red, it was red red like fire red. He was sleeping near the foot rest of my bed. He was snoring softly and I have to admit, the guy was hot.
“Frank?” the guy opened his eyes carefully. When he noticed that I’m awake, he got up from his seat and hugged me. “Frank! I’m so glad you’re okay! Are you okay?”
The guy hugged me again, this time, much tighter than before, “Wait, I’m gonna call the doctor.” He rushed to the door, “I’ll be right back!”
That was… weird. Who was he? Why does he keep on calling me Frank? Is that my name? And what’s up with his hair?
A doctor came in the room with red hair guy, “Ah, Mr. Iero! Good to see that you’re finally awake. “
Before I could respond, red hair guy quickly said, “When’s he coming out?”
“Soon, Mr. Way.” The doctor answered, smiling.
Red hair guy smiled at the doctor, and went by my side, holding my hand, “You’re gonna be okay, Frankie. You’re gonna be okay.”
The doctor made some tests on me like checking my temperature, checking the dextrose that is by my bed and has to get sample of my blood. Red hair guy has to go out to excuse himself when the doctor has the needle in my arm. Was the guy afraid of needles or what? After that, that’s when the doctor asked me, “Frank, do you remember anything from the accident?”
I shook my head. “I’ve been in an accident?”
“Yes, in a car crash to be exact. Well, I have to run down the blood tests and-“
“Who was that guy?”
The doctor looked at me, confused, “Who?”
“The guy with the red hair. Who was he?”
“He’s Gerard. He’s your husband.” he simply answered and raised an eyebrow, “Frank, do you remember anything at all?”
That guy’s my husband? I don’t remember him at all! Funny thing is, I don’t remember anything at all.
“Frank. I have to ask you one more time, do you remember anything?”
I shook my head, “No.”
The doctor’s eyes widened in panic, “Frank. When’s your birthday?” he quickly asked me.
These type of questions should be answered in a heartbeat but me, I don’t really remember at all. Instead, I found myself saying, “My name is Frank?”
“Wait right here.” Was all he said, going out of the room. I was left on my own for a couple of minutes. I don’t remember anything at all, and I have a husband?
The red hair guy – Gerard ran into my room and threw his arms around me, “Frankie! Don’t you remember me?”
When I shook my head, Gerard gasped then bit his nails.
“Mr. Way, come with me, there’s something we need to talk about.” The doctor said shortly after Gerard’s arrival.
I watched them talk for a while and at one point, Gerard was crying. When they were done talking, Gerard sat beside me and smiled, “I’ll help you remember Frankie.” I saw tears forming in his eyes again. He quickly wiped it and kissed my forehead, “It’s my fault. I’m sorry Frankie, I’m so sorry.”
He held my hand and kissed my fingers. I noticed that my arms has lots of tattoos, even on my hands and fingers. When he started to cry, he buried his face in my neck, sobbing quietly. “It’s okay.” I said to him. He was startled when I spoke to him. “Whatever it is you did, I forgive you.”
He gave me a kiss on my lips. It was sweet, comforting and everything that I need right now. When he pulled back, he pulled me closer for a hug, “I’m sorry.”
“Yes darling?”
“Are we uh… you know, married?” I asked him, blushing.
Gerard smiled and placed a kiss on my lips again, “No.”
I was surprised by his answer, “No?”
“Well, not yet. Soon .”
Gerard looked at me again. His eyes are mesmerizing. They’re so beautiful. “Frankie, the doctor said you could go home later.”
I nodded, “Okay.”
“I’ll take care of you darling.”
This time, I feel protected, loved, and comforted by this man. “I know.”
He smiled again and got his wallet. He opened it and showed a picture. “We uh, we got this picture when we first started dating.”
It was a picture of the two of us. In the picture, I had a mahawk, bleached at the sides and a lip ring. My arms were bare at that time, and Gerard’s hair is black. I laughed at the picture, “This is cute.”
He chucked nervously, “Yeah?”
I nodded, “Yeah.”
We looked at each other from quite some time. We did nothing, just smiling at each other. It was until his phone rang, “Sorry Frank, I have to get this okay?”
He opened his phone and placed it to his ear, “Hello? Mikes? Yeah, he’s fine. It’s just that… No! We just had a little problem and I don’t think you guys are going to be happy about it… yeah, we’re coming home tonight… yeah? Sure okay. I’ll remember… Love you too Mikes. Bye.” When he hung up, he looked at me again and grinned, “I’m so excited to get you home Frankie!”
I forced to smile at him, “uhhh, yeah. Me too.”
“So… I’m going to pack our stuff here and wait for the doctor, okay?” Gerard said.
A few hours later, the doctor showed up to give us my medicine and to remind Gerard to help me to remember all of my memories.
Gerard handed me my bag when the doctor said I could change my clothes. When I got to the bathroom, I took off my shirt and examined my tattoos. I find them… interesting. Well, of course I chose all of these tattoos but I have a feeling that I regret some of it. When I changed my clothes, Gerard was drawing on a sketchpad and he looked so adorable with his poking out. When he noticed that I’m there, he put the sketchbook back to his bag and said, “Ready to go Frankie?”
I nodded, “Yeah.”
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