Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 6

by pepe_soldier 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-04-10 - 1076 words - Complete

Chapter 6

Frank's pov:
I woke up. I was guessing it's morning. Probably it was. I couldn't know, because this room hasn't windows. Gerard is still sleeping. Memories. One just came on my mind...
My phone was ringing. It was Gerard. I pressed towel on bleeding cheek and answered the call. I could hear in his voice that something happened.
-Gee? What happened?
-I had an arguement with Ron.
-Why?- I hissed a little because of pain.
-A-Are you okay?- he asked me shakily.
-I am. Everything is just fine. Don't worry. What happened between you and Ron?
-He caught me while I was drinking alcohol
-Oh, Gee
-I know, I know. I said that I'm sorry, and he said that I don't have any reason to drink. But I have!
-Why do you drink?
-Because I can't take all of this anymore
-What do you mean?
-You changed, Frank
-Don't worry about me. Just...forget me
-I will never forget you!- and he hanged up. After few minutes, while I was putting band aid on my cheek. I heard a knock. I opened the door and Gerard was there.
-What are you doing here?
-I needed to see you. What did you do with your cheek?
-Nothing. I didn't do nothing!- I said, but he frowned -Come in, I'll tell you everything. He sat down on the sofa.
-Last days I'm mostly in wood. There I found my biggest enemy from High School. His name is Jack. He done this to me- I showed on cheek.
-Just don't go in wood anymore
-I must. Tonight is the last night I'll be in wood with him.
-What do you mean?
-I'm fighting with him. Constantly. And every time I lose, I must do something he told me to do, and there's the other side of the whole story- I looked down.
-What happened?
-He...- I tried to stop tears, but I couldn't
-Frank?- he took my hand
-He forced me to break up with you- I whispered and started to cry
-W-What?- he mumbled. He was shocked. In that moment, I stood up and gone to the bathroom. I took two razors and one knife.
-You don't have to go- he said
-I must- I said and went out. He was running after me.
-Frank, please!- I stopped and turned away
-Please, don't...- he grabbed me for the shoulders and kissed me forcefully. I was suprised, but I kissed him back.
-Shh- he whisoered and put his finger on my lips. I moved his finger
-I must go- I whispered.
-Please, don't. He will kill you- he whispered. I didn' said anything. I just turned away and left. When I got deeper in forest. Jack jumped on me. He placed his razor on my neck. But I pushed him away. I found myself surrounded by others. They grabbed me. Jack took his razor and cut my wrist. He let that my blood pours in the cup. He was a vampire. But I didn't knew that earlier. However, I acted that I fainted, so others let me to fall on the ground. I fastly stood up and ran out of wood. Jack was following me. Nearest house was Ron's house. I knocked on the door. He opened.
-Thank you, thank you- I hugged him after he closed the door.
-It's okay, Frank. What happened?
-He will kill me!
-Jack, he's the bully from my High School- in that moment we heard knock on the door.
-Freakie? I know that you're hiding somewhere!- it was Jack. Ron pushed me in his closet. Then he went to the door and opened it.
-Where's Freakie?
-Freakie! Or Frank, whatever- I could hear that he's still drinking blood from the cup.
-I don't know what are you talking about
-Wait, I think I know you. You're Ron, right? You're dating Freakie's ex?
-As I said, I don't know what are you talking about!
-Gerard, his name is Gerard. I still remember what Freakie said. He said that he'll rather be separated from him than look at his dead body. You actually should thank me for their break up. You know what else he said?
-I don't know what are you talking about!- Ron's voice was shaky now
-He said that he would be the happiest person if you die!- I couldn't stand it anymore, it was a lie, a big lie.
-It's a lie!- I screamed and pushed the closet door. In the same moment, Ron closed the door, but Jack was stronger than him, so he opened the door, took a gun from his pocket and shoot me in the chest. I never felt pain big as it. I fell on the ground. I couldn't see what is happening, everything was blurry. I heard argument between Ron and Jack:
-Get the fuck out of here, now!- Ron was shouting
-See this cup? It's his blood- he pointed on me -If you don't shut up, your blood will be in next guest in this cup, understand?!- Jack said. Ron didn't replied -Now, give me his body, and I will leave you alone, forever- Ron still was quiet. Then I blurry saw Gerard coming inside. He firstly looked at me, he was shocked, he started to cry.
-What happened here?- he kneeled down next to me fastly.
-Move away from him, kid!- Jack was shouting. Gerard looked at him, and he carefully took a knife from my pocket.
-What?- Gerard asked him
-Move away from him, he's mine!- Jack was shouting
-Not today, tomorow or ever!- Gerard shouted and throw knife at him. Jack fell down. It seemed like he killed him. Then he looked back at me. I couldn't say anything. Pain in chest was too hard.
-We must take him to the hospital- Ron said
-No, you stay here, I'll take him to the hospital- Gerard said and picked me up. I whimpered.
-Shh, you will be okay, I promise, Frankie- he whispered. I don't remember what happened next because I fainted.
Next memory was hospital bed and big needle in my hand. I was alive, just as Gee promised. I'm looking at him. He's sleeping. I smiled. I was watching him when he was sleeping so many times. But this time was kinda...special.
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