Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Does anyone remember me?

by ToxicValentine 2 reviews

I'm back :3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-10 - 113 words

Hello! I know I've not been here for months, but I wondered if any of you have missed me? (probably not, I'm like a loner on this site, I bet you never knew I disappeared)

I've been a teensy bit preoccupied recently, with college interviews and exams and such, so I'm sorry for those of you that read my stories. They should be off hiatus soon, once I find my muse again. It seems like I've had a never ending case of writers block.

Anyone, on a lighter note, I got accepted into college! :D I'm really fucking proud of that!

Has anyone missed me? Or even noticed that I was gone?

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