Categories > Original > Humor > Screaming From The Outside On In -^Blood On The Dance Floor -^

The New Me

by ExstacyMonroeSGTC 0 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-04-17 - 433 words - Complete


I woke up to Jayy’s death grip around my waist and Jeffrey poking my ribs because I had my

arms around his waist while his head was buried into my neck but I didn’t see ivy so she must

have been in one of the bunks..lucky bitch…

“Jeffrey…move…” I panted out trying to move him away from me

“NOO!! I like it here it’s warm and your squishy!!” he said smiling like a weirdo causing me

to growl and Jayy to tighten his grip on me making me cough and turn another color

“okay okay okay look ill make the coffee if you promise I can give you a make over…” dam I

knew this day would come…I sighed nodding my head as he went to start up the coffee pot and I

turned in Jayy’s arms pulling his fingers off of me one at a time finally rolling out of his

grip when his last finger got ripped free smiling as I walked over to the stereo and popped

the plug into my i-pod playing a random mixture of stuff and wondering over to Jeffrey jumping

onto his back making us stumble

“girl you almost made me break a heel” he giggled out walking into the bathroom with

me…sitting me down on the counter

“but you know you love my short ass cotton candy!!!” I smiled sticking my tongue out at him

like a kid

“soo…a new look hmm….i think we can go with this color!” he smiled opening up his very very

very big make up case type of chest thingy and pulling out a box to die my hair…

“great im going to look like a girl! Thanks cotton candy thanks!” I sarcastically said as I

put on

“Walk This Way” by AEROSMITH (love them!!) as Jeffrey started to die my hair

“look you need to sit still before I end up dying your forehead and ears!”

“okay okay okay!!!” I groaned out smiling at the soothing voice blaring threw phone it was

torture not knowing what he was doing to my hair but in the end I had to say I looked hot

“dam 5 hours of none stop torture and I look sexy but sweet!”

“DON’T FORGET EVIL!!!” Dahvie yelled coming into the living area smiling as did ivy and Jayy

“DIVA-LICIOUS!!!” Jeffrey yelled out with me at the same time smiling and laughing Jeffrey

wasn’t like a older brother….he WAS MY BROTHER! God I loved them all I just pranced around all

day looking fierce
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