Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frost Bitten

Drama King

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

Why must he be here now?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-21 - 478 words

I held my King's hand in the bathroom as we looked at ourselves in the mirror. We looked regal and powerful, a light blue aura hanging around us. VB

He seemed to sense the dark energy as I did. It was right outside the door of his apartment. We shared a look. "Picture yourself as you looked before my dear. Then put that vision on as you would clothes.

I watched his skin ripple as his real glamour sank into place on his beautiful new face and body. He looked close enough to the way he had before. His small clean metal piercing were in his fae lip as well, not healing with the rings still in them.

His hair was a little too light still, but it looked like it had been kissed by the sun. Something that could never happen.

We walked hand in hand over to the steel door. He paused as he reached for it. "Ow." He hissed, pulling his hand back and looking at it.

I glared at the metal handle and a thick wrap of ice grew over it. As he tried to think, I opened the door.

Gorheen. I could taste him the second the door was cracked. He shot past us and into the apartment.

"Gorheen!" I spun to watch him, the door shutting so hard the thick ice broke off and scattered across the floor. Gorheen sat crosslegged on the couch, looking over at us.

"Thalia!" He mocked me with a dark laugh. "Hello to you too, my sweet." He blew a kiss at me. "I came to meet my competition."

"He has no one to fight. He is my King." I snarled at him. He laughed again, the sound shaking the walls.

"You know that is not true." He smiled at me, his eyes turning the holly red I knew. "Hello, Frost King. You have no idea what you are in store for." He stood, a head taller than me.

"I know well enough." Frankie stood tall, looking up at Gorheen.

"Of course you do." Gorheen smiled. His wings ripped out of his glamour, folding against his back. "Well, I'll be off." He kissed my hand forcefully and made a small bow to Frank. "Later frosties." He opened the door, his skin sizzling.

I kicked it shut and looked at Frank. "Are you okay?" I asked him, taking his hand.

"He stank." He smiled at me. I smiled back and hugged him. "So what now?" He asked.

"You say goodbye to everyone." His eyes filled with frozen tears. "I will be with you." I held his hand tightly. "Forever."

"Thank you." He hugged me, burying his face in my shoulder. I held him as he cried.

So it's weird over here and just a lot is happening. So R+R and all that.

Hugs and Crazy Crusts,
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